The Gauntlet

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Warning: Mention of blood at the end with the fight agaisnt shredder. Akari will only be wearing the ninja outfit during the training and missions.


Third Person POV

April decided to visit the turtles and Akari one morning during the weekend. She left her house and started to head there, but she felt like she was being followed. A shadow flew above her as she goes down an ally. She gets scared as it flew at her, she fled into a store. When she thought she was safe, he flew right into the window. She went to check on him. When he got up, he left. She hugs her arms as she said to herself, "My life has gotten really weird." And it's about to get weirder. She continues to her journey to the lair.

Akari's POV

Our day started out normal but we didn't know it would end badly. Mikey was in kitchen cooking breakfast, Donnie was in his lab, and Raph and Leo were sparring in the dojo. I was watching the two oldest ones while braiding my hair in my ninja outfit and mask. I didn't want them to hurt each other. Leo was about to finish Raphael when Donnie ran in, "Check it out, guys. We are about to take our ninjutsu to a whole new level." Leo smiles, "Cool." He did a leg sweep afterwards and I giggled. This caused Raph to be embarrassed as Leo beat him. The three of us looked at Donnie as he explains, while holding an egg, "Last night, I figured out how to make ninja smoke bombs!" He used one and popped up behind us in a purple smoke cloud. The three of us were in awe and said in unison, "Whoa." Donnie then explains, "Now, to make 'em, I carefully drill two holes in an eggshell without cracking it, slowly blow out the contents, wait for the inside to dry, then pour in flash powder and seal both holes with wax." Raph interrupts, "Blah, blah, science, blah. Do it again!" Donnie was a bit annoyed, "What I'm trying to tell you guys is, they take a long time to make, so use them sparingly." I nodded as we heard Mikey yell from the kitchen, "I'm making breakfast! Who wants omelets?" Donnie was confused, "Omelets? Mikey, don't!" Before he could leave, Mikey shows up in a smoke cloud. Mikey said, covered in black soot, "Uh, I think that was a rotten egg." Donnie explains while Leo, Raph and I were laughing, "Those aren't eggs, Mikey. They're ninja smoke bombs." Mikey was smiling, "Shut up." He then used a lot as he said, "This is the best day of my life!" I rolled my eyes as Donnie yells, "Mikey, stop!" Mikey used and pops beside Donnie, "I love you, man. Seriously." Donnie glares but before he could do anything, April ran in the Lair, "Guys! Guys, you'll never believe what happened to me." She sits on our stair couch thing as Donnie goes to her, "All right, April, calm down. Are you okay?" He kneels near her as he asked. She exclaims as she grabs Donnie's arms, "I am being hunted by a giant pigeon!" The last three turtles and I were watching then Raph laughs. Leo and Mikey glare at him as I looked at him, "Seriously?" Raph stops as he looks at his brothers and the two girls. He stated, "I can't be the only one who finds that funny." Donnie helps her up as he stated, "It's not funny, Raph. There's a creature out there trying to hurt my April." She looks at him weirdly as he corrects himself, "Our April. April." Mikey pipes in as we turn to him, "This is serious. - I'd better get Splinter." He grabs a smoke bomb and used it as Leo started, "We don't really need.." Splinter then appeared through the smoke. He then said, "Michelangelo said you wanted to see me?" April began her story again.

April sat on the corner. Raph was reading his comic as the rest of us listen. Mikey was behind her with Donnie sitting front of her. I was sitting beside her as Leo was with Donnie. Splinter was beside Mikey. She finished the story, "His talons were razor sharp. He would have torn me to pieces if he hadn't slammed into the glass." Raph laughs again while I glared at him. He asks again, "Really? Just me?" Splinters hits him with the end of his stick, "Raphael! Clearly April is upset." Mikey joins in, "Yeah, dude, that's so insensitive." He turns to April, "Do you need a tissue?" She answers him, "I think I'm okay." He ignores her, "I'll get you a tissue." He used a smoke bomb and April was confused. He was back in two seconds, "We don't have any tissues. Can I make you some soup?" Donnie grabs the smoke bomb as he said, "Stop it! Don't worry, April, we won't let anything happen to you." I nodded, "Yeah. Nothing will happen to my female best friend." She smiles at me at as Leo agrees, "They're right. We're gonna set a trap for this pigeon-man and make sure he never bothers you again." Donnie adds, "Well, I know what we can use as bait." Mikey guessed, "Bread crumbs! Pigeons eat bread crumbs." I muttered, "No Mikey." Donnie said bluntly, "I meant April." Mikey freaks out surprising, "You're gonna let him eat April? I thought you liked her!" April joins Mikey, "Yeah!" I raised my brow at this as Donnie reassures them, "Don't sweat it. We've got your back." Leo looks at all of us, "All right, mighty mutants, let's do this." I looked at him with a glare as he corrects himself, "And Akari." Raph asks, "'Mighty mutants'? What, "dancing dorks" was already taken?" Leo looks down and shook his head. We all ran to the exit as Splinter yells, "Wait!" We turned to him as he continues, "We do not yet know what you are facing. Perhaps you should study your enemy before confronting him." Leo hesitates a second, "With all due respect, sensei, it's a pigeon." I nodded, "It'll be fine." Splinter continues, "What you know is dangerous to your enemy. What you think you know is dangerous to you. I fear you are all becoming overconfident." He points his stick at Leo. Leo actually stood his ground, "Sensei, in the past few months, we've taken down giant spiders, plant creatures, alien robots, and an army of ninjas. Maybe we're not overconfident. Maybe we're just that good." The rest of us kinda celebrated as I was a bit shocked at Leo. He never stood up to Sensei in the 15 years we trained. We then leave to go help April.

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