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We were in a Kraang warehouse and it was a small fight causing us to run in circles. Leo yells at us, "Keep moving. Don't let them surround you. Failure is not an option." Donnie then spoke, "Technically, failure is always an option." I groaned and continue to run as Raph spoke, "You know what else is an option? Slapping you!" I didn't hear more until we stood next to each other and Kraang brought out a weapon, "Kraang, the present is being a positive time to be the testing of the energy cannon." Leo spoke, "Everyone stand your ground!" The weapon hums and Leo change his mind, "On second thought, run!" Donnie is having trouble fighting with his staff, "Oh, come on!" Mikey yells, "Dude, your weapon just exploded!" Donnie yells, "How am I supposed to fight advanced alien technology with a stupid stick?" He tossed his stick and held up his hands.

The Kraang spoke as they aim their weapon at us, "Kraang, destroy those who call themselves the turtles and Akari when that which is the signal is the signal that is given by me!" Leo then threw a throwing star where it hits a forklift and the forklift pushed both the Kraang and the weapon into a wall. Raph spoke to Leo as we got outside, "Dumb luck." I giggled as Leo responded, "Wasn't luck, my friend. And dumb had nothing to do with it." I was getting to the sewer when Donnie spoke, "Hey. Give me a hand with this." Leo looks at Donnie, "A hand with what?" I looked at the guys and just left. I didn't want to deal with them.

I was in the lair when I heard the guys come in. The guys all sat on the couches as Donnie messed with a Kraang bot. He spoke to April, "This technology is light-years ahead of anything I've ever seen! Do you know what this is?" I tune everyone out until Sensei spoke to Donnie, "Ninjas have improved their arsenal for centuries. - We are masters of adaptation." I looked at Splinter and thought about it. Maybe I could adapt so I can actually defeat my father. Donnie spoke, "That is great! 'Cause with this technology, I will be invincible! What should I make? Electric sais? Multi-shot shuriken? Plasma swords! I just gave myself goosebumps. - You wanna feel? Eh?" He flexes for April who denies him, "Pass." Splinter advises him, "But remember, technology is a means, not an end. It is you who must prevail in battle, not your weapon. Combat is not a video game." Donnie kinda ignores him, "That's it! I'll turn combat into a video game! Thanks, sensei." He dragged the Kraangdroid to his lab.

Leo and Raph then decided to play a game so I went to my room for a bit. After I changed into some normal clothes and took off my mask, I went to hang with April, "Hey April." April waves and continues to work on the laptop. She spoke to the guys, "Hey guys! Check out this post I got." Raph spoke, "Hang on, April, I just have to destroy Lame-onardo." I rolled my eyes at this nickname as Raph beats Leo and does his dance. After hitting Leo, he joins us, "So what's up?" Leo joins us and sat next to me after he hits Raph back. April explains, "I set up a message board to collect unusual sightings around New York. People send in pics, videos I also get some stuff that may help us track the Kraang and find my Dad. Like this video of a gas explosion." Raph spoke, "A Kraangdroid." Mikey, whom was asleep on the tire swing, yells, "Where? Aah! Hunh!" He fell off and landed in the water. Leo told the group, "We'll check it out tonight." April asks, "Why not now?" Leo continues, "Because it's daytime. We can't let anyone see us." April spoke, "Well, I can." Leo tried to reason with her, "April, think about this. It could be dangerous." April spoke, "You know what else could be dangerous? Standing between me and my father." She was about to leave when I said, "I'll go with you." Leo tried to stop me, "Akari no! What something happens to you?" I sighed, "Leo I'll be fine besides April is going to need me." Leo sighs, "I can't lose you." I blushed hearing that, so I hugged him, "I'll be fine." I kissed his cheek and left blushing. Little did I know that I also made the fearless leader blush as well.

We went to the surface to look after I changed into my ninja outfit and mask. "It's in a warehouse, right?", I asked April. She nods and smiled, "I didn't know you and Leo were a thing." I started blushing, "We are not a thing. He just worries about me a lot." She smirks, "Sure, Akari. I just think he likes you." I shrug it off as we walked a bit, "Anyway the warehouse is this way." We then spotted a droid and April spoke, "Okay. Okay, Kraang-creep Lead the way."

We then heard the Kraang spoke, "Is that which is the unstable mutagen ready for using in the experiment that Kraang is being ready to begin?" I looked at April as he hid behind some crates. Another Kraang spoke, "The unstable mutagen will be tomorrow unleashing the water supply." April gasps, "The water supply? Oh, no." The Kraang continues, "Many infected humans will mutation. This is being a good way to perfect the mutagen to the point of perfection." April spoke to herself, "Think ninja. Think ninja." After a bit, we escaped and ran to safety, "April that was close but hey we got the info. See Leo had nothing to worry about." I high-fived her.

Since It was night, we figured that the guys were out so April called out, "Hello?" I also called out, "I know you are out here Leo. You never like leaving me in the dark." I smirked because I could hear Raph teasing him, "She got you there bro." April continue, "Guys, it's me." Three of them surrounded us and April spoke, Guys! I was just looking for you." We then heard a whistling and I jumped as the robot almost landed on me. "What in the shell?!" Raph spoke, "Still, it's stealthier than the real Donatello." April asked my question, "What the heck is that?" Leo sighs and answers, "It's Donnie's latest 'brilliant' creation Metalhead." I groaned, "Donnie watch where you jump! It almost landed on me!" Mikey spoke, "Catchy name, huh? My idea." I shook my head as Donnie's voice is coming out of 'Metalhead', "Oh, sorry, April and Akari. I'm still getting used to the controls. Whoops. Megaphone button got stuck." April told the guys what we learned, "Guys, we gotta do something. The Kraang are gonna poison the city's water supply with mutagen!" Leo was worried, "The whole city will become a disaster area! And Akari could get mutated!" Everyone looks at him with weird looks except me. I thought it was sweet that he didn't want me mutated. Donnie and the others decided to ignore him and spoke through Metalhead, " There'll be mutants everywhere!" Mikey spoke cheerfully, "Wow. Think of all the friends we can make. Excuse me for being a "glass-half-full" kinda guy." I smiled, "We need to attack now!" Leo looks at the guys, "Let's go!" Donnie spoke through Metalhead, "Yeah! The Kraang don't stand a chance!" Leo stops him as I left.

I took off to the rooftop and wait till we were in the building on beams, "Looks like a party." Leo and the guys except Metalhead join me on the beams, "Looks like a Kraang picnic down there." Raph smile, "Ready to bash some bots?" "Destroy some droids?" I smiled until Mikey spoke, "Clean some closets? Uh, I meant to say crush some Kraang? Booyakasha!" We ended up getting cornered, "Leo, we're running out of room." We were hiding behind some crates when Leo spoke, "We're trapped!" I shook my head as we heard glass shattering, "What was that?" We peeked from behind the crates and saw metalhead but his arms are weird ,"What are you doing? What is wrong with your arms?" Donnie's voice came from metal head, "My hands aren't on my hips?" I scoff and watched until Donnie lost control and was shooting everywhere. I ducked and glared as Leo yelled, "Donnie, watch the friendly fire." I poked my head over again.

We looked up and saw Metalhead with a Kraang on it. I was fearful since Metalhead had a Kraang and it spoke, "The ones that which are called turtles and Akari will now be called turtles and Akari that are destroyed!" Mikey went in his stupid mode, "Whew! I was really afraid at the beginning of the sentence, but then I sort of just lost interest towards" He changed his tune and ran. We attack Metalhead but we were shoved to the wall. "Guys, We can't fight him. He's too strong." I spoke while holding my side. Leo was worried and look for an escape route. Kraang had us trapped, "Now Kraang will destroy you. Which one wants to be first to be destroyed by Kraang?" We then heard Donnie's voice, "Me!" We saw Donnie land in the front of the guys and Kraang. We started to fight and after a while Donnie yells out, "Booyakasha!" I rolled my eyes and help Donnie out and look at the guys, "Lets go home." Mikey spoke, "Nice job, bro!" Raph spoke, Yeah, not bad. Except for that part where you built the thing in the first place. And the part where it broke. And the part where it tried to kill us. And the part" Donnie spoke, "Ok, I get it." He looks down sadly.

When we got home, the guys went to play a game and I sat in the living room looking the picture of my mom that Splinter gave me. Splinter spoke, "What troubles you, Donatello?" Donnie sighs and spoke, "This was all my fault, sensei." Splinter spoke, "You are responsible, yes." Donnie sighs, "Yeah." Splinter continues, "Responsible for destroying the mutagen. Responsible for saving the people of this city. Responsible for defeating advanced technology using only ingenuity, bravery, and a stick." Donnie smiles, "Thanks, sensei. Maybe you're right." Splinter spoke, "I am." Donnie continues, "I guess with proper training, there's nothing better than a wooden stick. Except a laser guided, missile-launching wooden stick." He slams down the staff and it beeps. Donnie spoke, "It's not supposed to do that! Run!" We all then run and scream.

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