Panic in the Sewers

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the songs being used in this chapter

      It was evening and the five ninja were navigating through the fog. They all were against a wall as Leo orders, "Shredder could be anywhere. Stay frosty guys." Akari nods as Donnie spoke, "FYI: Frost can't accumulate unless it's below freezing, except during a process called..." As Donnie spoke Mikey said a bit annoyed, "Maybe he's got an off-switch somewhere." Akari shook her head as Raph hits Donnie, "Found it!" Akari goes to scold them as Shredder's voice was heard, "And I've found four pathetic turtles and one pathetic girl with only seconds to live." Mikey spoke, "Wouldn't wanna be them." Raph looks at Mikey as they all got out their weapons, "We are them." It was now obvious that Akari wouldn't go with the Shredder no matter what, so he decided she must perish with the turtles as well. The five slowly looked around the area as Mikey slowly backs up and bumped into the Shredder. Mikey screams as the shredder kills him. The nunchucks went flying into Donnie's foot. Donnie notice and yell, "Mikey!" He goes to attack but the Shredder destroyed the staff and kicks him away. This killed Donnie. Akari gasps and ran with her Tantos out but was stabbed in the stomach, instantly killing her. This angered the final two turtles as Leo yells, "Raph, take him down!" While Leo fought with Shredder, Raph ran up the wall to attack the Shredder. But the man in the armor kicks him away. This sent Raph away and he is killed as well. Leo was in shock as he yells, "No!" Leo was out of breath but was horrified. The Shredder kicked him to a wall. The Shredder spoke while he drags his blade, "There is no place you can run, no place you can hide, where I will not find you! You think you are ready to face me?" He decapitates the turtle and suddenly Splinter woke from the nightmare. He was having these nightmares since his pupils came home wounded weeks ago. Splinter yells out while panting, "No!" He remembered when Leo carried in Akari because the blood loss made her too weak to walk.

        Splinter got up as the five were getting ready to go. Akari finally was healed enough to go and had her stitches removed. Raph grabbed his sai as he said, "Come on!" Splinter spoke, "Where are you going?" Akari looks at him as Leo answers, "Heading out for our evening patrol." Akari was happy to get fresh air, but Splinter stopped them in a serious voice, "There will be no patrol." The five of them looked at him confused as Leo asked, "Sensei?" Splinter reminded them, "Last time you fought the Shredder, you barely escaped with your lives. Akari nearly died." Leo looks at Akari as she remembered the blade that cut her. Raph challenged the master, "But, Sensei, next time, we'll be ready." Splinter nods, "Yes because you will stay down here until you are ready." He grabs Raph and holds him in an uncomfortable grip as he continues, "No patrol, no games, no rest. There is only training! Starting now!" He shoves the red clad turtle to the others as Leo and Mikey caught him. Akari and Donnie looked at each then the five of them looked at their master. They went to the dojo and put away their weapons then got into a stance.

        The training has been going for weeks as Mikey asks, "More, Sensei?" All five were tired and panting a lot as Splinter answers, "Yes, more!" The younger two turtles go at the older as Akari goes at the teacher. The turtles were taken down as Akari trips and lands face first. Splinter spoke again, "There is no intention in your strikes. Do it again! We will practice all night if we have to." Donnie looks at the master as Leo helps Akari up, "We have been practicing all night." Then snoring was heard as Mikey talked in his sleep, "Pizza, mmm." Splinter sighs, "Wake him up!" Raph cracks his knuckles, "Gladly." He picks Mikey up over his shoulder and slams him down on the ground. Mikey woke up and freaked out, "Ahh! Shredder's here!" Akari looks at him with sympathy as Leo kneels to reassure him, "Relax. You were just having a nightmare." They both got up as Raph muttered, "Aren't we all?" Akari nods as Donnie asks, while panting, "Sensei, can we rest for a sec?" Splinter looks at his pupils, "Rest?" He thinks for a second, "Hmm, the Shredder will not rest until you are all dead!" Mikey pointed out, "He doesn't want Akari dead. Just to capture her." The girl glares at Mikey as Leo stops him to look at their master, "Sensei, we've been training nonstop for weeks with hardly any sleep. They need a break." He then gestures to the four behind him. Akari looks at him and thought to herself, 'Did he think I was weak?' Raph looks at Leo, "Oh, like you don't?" Leo nods, "That's right, Raph. I don't." He was hoping he sounded like he was tough to Akari as he still wants to impress her. Raph glares, "Ah, well, then, I'll give you a break." Before he could do anything, Splinter knock all five down, "If I were the Shredder, none of you would be breathing right now. Understand?" All of them sat up and Mikey fell asleep on Leo. Splinter sighs, "Perhaps a brief rest is in order. We will resume later." He left and the other four fell asleep in that pile with Akari using Leo as a pillow.

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