Monkey Brains

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After we all finished training, we watched Donnie. I was smiling at the fact Donnie was trying to make a flow chart to hang out with April. She became my best friend and well, I thought what Donnie is doing was romantic. My thoughts were interrupted by Leo, "What you up to, Donnie?" This caused Donnie to jump and sighs, "Just putting the finishing touches on my master plan." Raph asks, "Master plan?" Donnie looks at Raph, "Yeah, to get April to hang out with me." He responded in a duh tone. Leo then made a 'suggestion', "Try this, "April, do you want to hang out with me?"" This caused me to slap him and scoff. Donnie ignores it, "Yeah, you see, it's not that simple. I have to prepare for every possible response to maximize my chances of success." Mikey gushes, "Aw, that's so romantic!" This made me smile and respond, "See, Leo. Donnie has the right idea." I had no idea that the comment made Leo blush. Donnie continues, "Yeah, for instance, if April says she can't because she has homework, then I will suggest an informal study session and serve healthy, brain-stimulating snacks." Raph, being the party pooper, said, "Well, what if she says she can't because you're a total nerd?" Donnie answers that, "Ah, that's this thread here. I will list my many non-nerdy qualities and suggest activities that will highlight my coolness, such as skateboarding or shark wrestling." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Before I can say anything, April walks in, "Guys!" This caused Donnie to get nervous. She brought in her laptop and said, "You guys gotta check this out." She had news playing as we surrounded her, "Renowned neuro-chemist Dr. Tyler Rockwell has been reported missing. I spoke with Rockwell's colleague, Dr. Victor Falco." I felt like this Falco guy was faking it, "I hadn't heard from him in days, so I stopped by his lab. The place was a mess and he was gone. I fear the worst.' I scoff as April closed her laptop.

Leo asks, "So?" I looked at him as April answered, "So the Kraang have been kidnapping scientists from all over the city, including my Dad! Maybe that's what happened to this Rockwell guy." Leo thinks out loud, "Or they may not be connected at all." I nodded and April spoke, "There's only one way to find out. We should go to that lab and look around." Of course, Donnie agrees, "April's right. We should go check it out. What's that? You guys are busy? Guess it's just the two of us, April." He guided her to the door and gives us a thumbs up. After they were gone, Leo spoke, "I bet that wasn't on his flowchart." He flips the board and looked, "Whoa. It is! That is spooky." I rolled my eyes, "That shows he is committed to her." I then went to my room. I was thinking about what April said back when went to the Kraang lab.

After a while, I went to the main room with Mikey. We started to watch TV when we heard April, "Come on." We then turned to see April helping an injured Donnie to the lair, "Whoa, what happened?" April answers, "Donnie got beat up by a lab monkey." We looked at each other and ran to help Donnie. Leo asks April, "April, can you get an ice pack?" She nods and left as we sat Donnie on the couch, "Donnie, you gonna be okay?" Donnie answers, "Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine." I sighed in relief as Leo said, "In that case..." Then he and his brothers started laughing. I rolled my eyes and went to the other side of the room as April came back, causing Raph to say, "No more monkey puns." April puts the ice pack on Donnie's head scolded the guys, "Are you laughing at him because he's hurt?" I went to my room afterwards. I was a bit worried for the teams safety now.

After a while, April call us over into the living room, "Guys, I think I've found something. These notes are hard to follow, but it looks like Rockwell was able to modify the mutagen." I looked at her weirdly, "That is a stupid move on Rockwell's part." Leo asked, "Why would he do that?" April answers, "He thought he could use it to create a neurochemical that would temporarily give someone psychic abilities." Raph spoke, "You mean that monkey was psychic?" I mocked him, "Thanks Captain Obvious." Raph glares. April continues, "It's more like he was reading our emotions. After all, he was only hostile when Donnie was hostile." Donnie spoke, "Yeah, well next time I'll be sure to think friendly thoughts while I'm beating a little sunshine into him." I crossed my arms and sighed. Leo spoke, "Okay, we need to track him down before he attacks someone else. Let's go up to the surface, spread out, and search." I looked at him baffled. Raph then spoke, "How are we gonna stay in contact?" Donnie answers the question, "I have a little something that might help. Gentlemen and ladies I give you The T-phone!" He held a phone that the back was a shell. I smiled, "Cool." Mikey pouts, "Dude, I'm in charge of naming stuff. I would've called it The T-phone." Donnie sighs, "I did call it the T-phone." Mikey still pouts, "Yeah, but I would've called it the T-phone." Raph slaps and Donnie spoke to April, "And April, if you give me your cell number, I can patch you into our network." He hands her the T-phone. April smiles and enters her number. Donnie fanboys a bit. I shook my head and grabbed my T-Phone so I can relax before we go.

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