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I walked to the big house that still had charcoal falling from it (long story). When I walked in I saw Lupa talking in a hush voice to Grover, Tyson and Ella. I peer my head in causing them to stop talking and say "can I see Percy" "sure he is the next room" Lupa replies and goes back to talking with Tyson and Ella. When I see Percy awake the first thing I say is "hmmm still hotter" as I light my hand on fire. Percy chuckles and asks why he saw Mrs. O'Leary. "I don't know, she's back in the underworld" I reply. I think Percy is going crazy!

As I walk out I hear someone in Athena cabin screaming. I look in the window to see Samuel hugging Annabeth, and I know Percy would not be happy about this. I look back at the big house and see Grover, Ella and Tyson coming out looking worried.

I go over to Ella and Tyson and ask them what Lupa was talking to them about and they just say they think it's ''time for dinner." Just then Percy walks out of the big house talking to Lupa. Percy walks over to me and says "time for dinner" "dinner for who?" I ask "you" he replies "who am I" I say, "hot guy" he replies annoyed.

At the dinner while I'm talking to my siblings I see Annabeth walking over to Percy and then, Percy proposes. As I am cheering for the proposal I see Annabeth's bestie, Samuel walking away looking ... jealous?

While he's walking I run after him until I catch up to him. "What is this" "why are you walking away?" I ask "that is none of your business Leo!" He shouts at me "but why are you walking away, this is the best day of Annabeth's life" I say "it's the worst day of my life!" He shouts back. "Why? Are you, JEALOUS?" I say "no it's just, Annabeth means the world to me and if Percy breaks her heart I will be devastated." For some reason though, I get the feeling that he's lying.

After the dinner and Annabeth talking to us I went to my bunk to fidget with my newest creation the Nico sis' gone di go. It was pretty much just metal, screws and tape, just with a cool name.

Then, I went to sleep. The next day I woke up to Samuel over me staring into my soul. "What are you doing?" I ask him, "I have something to admit to you ... about Annabeth."

An: Hey guys, what do you think Tyson, Ella, Grover and Lupa are talking about?

An: Thank you all for reading right now, I love you all!🧡

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