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         "Nico took me away from Frank just to stop our wedding?!?!" I ask. Right know I'm talking to my dad's counterpart, Hades. "Yep" is all he says. "Why though?" I ask "enough with the questions Hazel."  He says. Then I see him glow and I cover my eyes, and when I see him he's, Pluto?

    "Dad?" I ask "Hello Hazel" my father exclaims, "I think it's time for you to go back to camp" "really!" I say "yes my daughter" Pluto says.

            Just then Mrs.O'Leary appears to take me back to camp. Before I get to her though Nico came out of nowhere and stopped me. "Hazel I don't have a good feeling about you getting married at this age" he tells me "why Nico, huh are you just jealous of me?!?!?!" I respond "I ... um just ... no" he says. "Then what is it huh Mr.Iknoweverything" "I just don't like Frank" Nico tells me "who's Frank again?" Pluto asks "her fiancé" Nico said like he was disgusted and from this I was on the verge of tears, how could Nico not support me?!

        "Why do you hate Frank huh?" I shout at him "I'm jealous!" Nico shouts at me. Just then McKenzie walks into the room her black hair in her eyes "what is all the commotion about" she asks. "Nico is jealous that I'm getting married" I tell her. "Well  well well" a voice says and when I turn around I see Proserpine! "What is going on" she asks "Hazel said Nico is jealous of her getting married" McKenzie informs Proserpine "aww Nico it's fine if you can't get a girlfriend" Proserpine says. Nico chuckles and says "I don't need a girlfriend, Proserpine I have Will Solace."

       Proserpine just stood there shocked and my dad looked happy. That's when Mason, McKenzies twin brother who has brown hair walked in. "Dad! When can I go to camp Demi-god like everyone else" he asks, then he looks at the scene and backs away. "Where are you going Mason?" "You can go to camp if you want" my dad said and Mason jumped with joy. "Now, Hazel, Nico and McKenzie, please go with him" my dad asked "of course dad!" I said before running up to hug him which nearly knocked him off his feet, and for the first time, he hugged back!"

       Then, I got on Mrs.O'Leary and shadow traveled with Nico, McKenzie and Mason!"

AN: What are your thoughts on McKenzie and Mason?

AN: Hello, hope you liked this chapter. Yall are amazing and thank you for reading this book, love you all💜

Secret Twin(a Percy Jackson fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora