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          After the terrifying shadow travel, I saw that I was in the water with Percy, but Percy was sleeping so I grabbed him and pulled him above the water. Once we were on the shore I realized that Percy could have survived in the water. When I got to The Big House instead of Chiron being there it was Lupa?! "Lupa, why are you here?" I asked "Chiron is in Olympus and asked me to look after camp.'' "What is it that you need Annabeth?" As she said that I saw Grover walk in with Tyson and Ella "I was just letting you know that I was here with Percy" "Ok" she said, "Please head to your cabin."

When I walked in a whole group of campers swarmed around me and one screamed "your back" it was my best friend Samuel. "Are you okay?" he asked "Yeah" I replied, just then Percy walked in, with Leo "It's time for dinner guys" they both said. Just when I walked out of the cabin I swear I saw Hazel with Nico in the shadows! I just ignored it and walked to the pavilion.

Getting my food I went through the normal procedure of giving an offering to the gods "For Athena." I muttered as the smell of fresh paper and a library filled the air. Just as I was about to sit down Percy told me to come sit with him and so I did, and he said "Annabeth, I've been thinking and I love you so I think it's time" all of a sudden Percy got down on 1 knee and I gasped as he said "Annabeth Chase, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me" I was in shock and then said "Yes!" Right after I said this he tossed me an apple.

     As Percy put the ring on my finger I was so happy I felt as if I could fly. I snuck a glance at Samuel and he was leaving?!

Right after all this Hedge the satyr walked into the pavilion and shouted at me and Percy "I'm keepin' my eye on you kids."

Then I went to the rest of the 6 to see Frank on the verge of tears then I suddenly remembered that Frank and Hazel had been engaged before she disappeared.

    After the dinner I went to my cabin to see Samuel sitting on his bunk looking sad, "what's wrong Sam Sam?" I ask.

"What's wrong? You just got engaged!" He yells at me "well why do you care?!" I yell at him "no reason" He replies in a sadend voice. After he walks out of the cabin I break down. Me and Samuel had never fought like that.

AN:Thank you to everyone who is reading my fan-fic please support it by voting  love you all🤍

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