Chapter 12

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A few months had passed and Josie was now five months pregnant and the twins were doing amazing they both were measuring two weeks ahead of what they were supposed to and Hope bragged that it was because of her genes to which Josie replied with a slap to her shoulder.

But everything had been okay Lizzie and Hope were now both civil for Josie's and the baby's sake and the brunette even agreed to move to New Orleans when the twins were a couple of months old.

And to be closer to Josie so if she ever needed something Hope moved into the vacant apartment next to the twins.

"Hellooo" Hope said as she peeked her head through the door.

"There you are!" Josie said standing up "can you go to the store and get me some juice" the brunette pouted.

Hope chuckled "of course anything you had in mind?"

"I don't know why but I want orange juice."

"Orange juice it is, I'll be back in like ten minutes" Hope said taking out her car keys and making her way to her car.

As she walked down the juice section she ran into a girl and accidentally made her drop everything she had in her hands.

"Oh god I'm sorry," Hope said bending down to pick up the girl's items.

"It's fine" the girl chuckled.

When Hope looked up she saw a curly-haired girl who was honestly quite attractive and oddly familiar.

"This may sound weird but what's your full name? you look familiar" Hope said handing the girl back her items.

"Maya Machado."

"Maya?? oh my god it's me Hope we went to high school together," the Auburn-haired girl said.

"Oh my god, Hope Mikaelson as I live and breathe... you look amazing," the girl said her eyes trailing over the auburn body.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

Maya looked at the time "I have to go but-" the girl stopped to fish out a piece of paper and pen from her bag "-here is my number we should hang out sometime I missed you."

"I'd love that actually" Hope smiled taking the paper from the girl.

"Bye Hope," the curly-haired girl said giving her a small wave before leaving.

Hope watched the girls retreating figure before looking down at the number written on the paper.

When Hope walked back into Josie's apartment she saw the girl in the kitchen eating a salad.

"Hey," Hope said putting the juice on the counter.

"You are a lifesaver" Josie smiled before opening the juice and taking a sip.

Hope grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge as she heard Josie let out a satisfied moan.

"This is so good thank you."

"Uh- of course," Hope said feeling her length twitch.

"What's that?" Josie said pointing at a small paper on the floor.

Hope looked down to where Josie was pointing and picked the paper up "oh, do you remember Maya Machado from high school? well, I ran into her at the grocery store and she gave me her number."

"Are you two like dating or something" Josie scoffed.

Hope's eyebrows furrowed together where did Josi get that idea from "she gave me her number so we could reconnect she used to my one of my best friends."

"Whatever" Josie said getting off the chair and making her way towards the couch.

"You sound mad? why are you mad?" Hope asks confused.

"I'm not mad," Josie said setting a pillow behind her back.

"I think you're lying" Hope crossed her arms.

"Hope just stop-" Josie's taking stopped as she looked down at her stomach.

"Oh now you want to stop talking i-"

"Hope I just felt them kick."

"What??" Hope said immediately forgetting what they were arguing about. She sat by the brunette and put her hands on Josie's stomach.

They felt light kicks coming from both babies.

"Oh wow," Hope said with a big grin on her face she has never experienced something so amazing before.

"They're real people now" Hope said looking up at Josie.

"They have been for a few months now" Josie laughed.

"I know I know but before they were just a clump of cells now they are like moving people."

"Pretty amazing isn't it?" Josie said as she rests her hand on top of Hope's.

Hope nodded at her with a smile before she rested her ear on Josie's stomach and listened to the sound of her children's heartbeat.

"I may not always be the perfect mom you need but I will always be here for you and I will always fight for you both no matter what," Hope said softly planting a kiss where the babies rested.

Josie smiled softly as she slowly started running her hand through Hope's hair as the girl talked to the twins.

All of a sudden the front door was thrown open revealing the blonde holding a bunch of bags.

"UGH," Lizzie said as soon as she saw Hope laying her head in Josie's lap.

"Are you like homeless or something? You are like always here" she said putting the bags on the counter.

"I'm having babies with your sister, of course, I'm gonna be around a lot" Hope rolled her eyes.

"Whatever" the blonde rolled her eyes.

"What are you sound back so early I thought you were having lunch with MG?" Josie asks confused.

"He had to cancel he got called in for work but JOSIE YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT I FOUND TODAY GUESS!!"

"Uh... a new dress that will stay in your closet and ever be worn?"

"Yes but that's not the point I found the cutest thing one and thing two onsies for the twins!"
she said excitedly pulling them out.

"Oh my God those are the cutest things I've ever seen," Josie said looking at them.

"If those babies are anything like me they are gonna have those" Hope commented.

"Shut up mut my nieces or nephews will love it I know them."

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