Chapter 10

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They spent the majority of their flight talking and watching Disney movies because the brunette was obsessed with them and insisted and Hope being Hope would never deny her.

So they spent the next hour watching the princess and the frog and occasionally singing along to the soundtrack with Josie who seemed to know all the lyrics.

The brunette had an addiction Hope thought.

When the plane landed Hope and Josie made their way out of the plane and immediately walked to the baggage claim where the auburn grabbed both her and Josie's bag.

"I can carry my bag if you want?" Josie said noticing Hope's struggle.

"No no I got it" she smiled and started dragging the suitcases to the car rental place they had just outside the airport.

Hope ended up renting a minivan
seeing as it was the only car they had left in the lot so, with that, she put their bags in the car and started driving to the mikaelson compound.

As they were driving Hope saw Josie shift in her seat.

"How are you going to tell them?" Josie said tilting her head.

Hope thought about it for a moment before glancing at the brunette "I'm not sure..." she said looking back at the road "I think I'm just gonna go for it when I have them sit down."

"Do you want me to be in the room?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I'd love that actually" Hope said giving Josie a small smile and reaching over the center console and placing her hand on Josie's thigh.

"Everything is going to work out you know that right?" Josie said.

"I hope you're right" Hope smiled at her before turning her gaze towards the road.

When they arrived at the mikaelson compound Josie immediately saw how nervous Hope was.

"It's okay" Josie rubbed the back of Hope's hand with her thumb.

Hope silently nodded before they both exited the car and made their way into the compound.

Hope smiled as she looked around at the house she grew up in.

"Hope?" the shorter girl heard and turned around to see her mom walking down the stairs.

"Mom!" Hope smiled and ran into Hayley's open arms.

"What are you doing here," Hayley said holding her daughter tighter.

"I came here to tell you all something where is everyone?" Hope questioned as she pulled away.

"Your dad is in his art room and Elijah, Freya, Keelin, Nik, Rebekah, and Kol are out having lunch," Hayley said and looked up seeing Josie standing there awkwardly.

"Josie?" Hayley smiled "I haven't seen you in so long you look so grown-up," she said before embracing Josie who immediately melted into the hug.

"I'm sorry I should've visited but college has been kicking my ass" the brunette chuckled.

"I'm going to say hi to dad," Hope said excusing herself and letting Hayley and Josie catch up.

When Hope walked into her father's art room she saw him painting a portrait of New Orleans.

"Hey dad," Hope said smiling as she leaned against the archway.

Klaus looked up from his canvas and immediately smiled "what are you doing here little one" he said wiping the paint off his hands and hugging his daughter.

"I'll tell you later," she said burying her face in her father's neck.

She missed just being around her family.

When she and her father walked downstairs she saw that her family had already gotten back from their lunch.

Josie was currently talking to Hope's four-year-old cousin who looked to be telling the brunette a story.

When her Aunts and Uncles saw her they immediately all greeted her and hugged her.

"Great everyone's here I guess I should get this over with," Hope said clapping her hands together.

Rebekah raised her eyebrow "get what over with love?"

"Josie's pregnant..." Hope said looking around at her family.

"And it's mine if you didn't put the clues together," she said scratching the back of her neck.

"Wait are you serious?" Freya asks confused.

"Yeah... uh, I found out not too long ago," Hope said pulling out her wallet and showing them the sonogram.

"Hope we told you about protection..." Hayley said softly not a hint of anger in her voice.

"I know... this was the first time I didn't use it," Hope said looking down.

Hayley immediately hugged Hope before pulling Josie into the hug too.

"I'm happy for you both and I will always be here to support you," Hayley said kissing both of their heads.

"Don't forget about us" Kol said as he, Rebekah, Elijah, and Keelin joined in on the hug.

Hope felt her heart swell at all the love they both were receiving.

When Hope pulled away she looked at her father who was standing there with a blank expression.

"Dad?" Hope said cautiously.

"Wow you really are like me little one," he said with a grin before pulling his daughter in for another hug.

"The mikaelson name shall live on!" Kol said as he lifted Josie off the ground who immediately started laughing.

As they both got settled in the bed of Hope's childhood room the brunette turned to face Hope.

"Your family took that well... I hope my family takes it well too," Josie said biting on her bottom lip nervously.

"Even if they aren't I will be right by your side," Hope said rubbing Josie's side with her arm.

Josie smiled before she slowly leaned in and kissed Hope who immediately kissed back.

As they were kissing they both felt the kiss getting more and more heated.

"C-can we?" Josie asked.

Hope nodded "but you have to be quiet," she said before pulling the brunette into another kiss.

During the kiss, Hope slowly moved on top of Josie her hands resting on each side of Josie as she hovered over the girl.

"Watch out in there" Hope said to Josie's belly before she started undoing her pants before pulling them down.

Josie slapped Hope's shoulder as the auburn grinned at her.

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