Chapter 6

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Hope was at the Salvatore school teaching an art class to a bunch of the primary students when she saw Josie standing outside the door.

"Okay, I want you all to practice drawing hair textures as I showed you earlier this week," she said looking at her students before quietly slipping out of the room.

"Hey what's up?" Hope asks as she steps into the hall.

"I'm sorry I thought you were on break..." the brunette hugged herself and looked down to the hardwood floor.

"It's okay" she smiled softly "did you need something?" she said bringing her hand up to rub the girl's arm.

"Yeah, actually can you meet me at the docks during the student's lunch period."

"Yeah of course that's in about Fifteen minutes."

Josie nodded before making her way out of the school and to the lake.

When she got there she sat on the wood docks and brought her knees to her chest.

Josie took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she felt the sunshine on her tan skin.

She missed coming to the docks, she used to come here every day after school when she was still going to the Salvatore school.

It always calmed her down when she was overwhelmed or in stressful situations.

About fifteen minutes later Hope walked down to the docks seeing the brunette looking at her reflection in the water.

"Did you come here for a quickie ms Saltzman" Hope teased and sat next to her.

"No, no that's not what I came here for," she said playing with her hands nervously.

Hope raised her eyebrow "did something happen?"

Josie bit her bottom lip and silently nodded.

"Did someone die or get hurt? I'm not following-"

"I'm pregnant."

Hope's eyes widened and her mouth hung open the second Josie told her the news.

They sat there in uncomfortable silence as Hope just stared at her not knowing what to say.

"Can you say something please?"

"I'm so sorry," Hope said.

"For what?"

"I should've used protection- we were just in the heat of the moment and I just... I always use it..."

"Hey..." Josie said cupping Hope's cheek "we were both there I didn't tell you too either so don't blame yourself okay?"

Hope just silently nodded and Josie brought her in for a hug.

"Your sister is gonna kick my ass" Hope mumbled into Josie's neck.

"She doesn't know it's yours yet but she is planning the murder already," Josie said.

"Speaking of Lizzie when should we tell her?" Josie asked.

"Let's try and hold it off for as long as possible I don't want her to beat my ass right now" Hope frowned.

"I won't let her beat your ass" Josie rubbed her back.

When they were both done talking Hope had to go back to teach her class.

They both agreed to talk more at the auburn's place so Josie was going to wait there until Hope got off.

When Hope entered her apartment she saw Josie laying on her couch and immediately smiled.

It had been a few hours so the brunette had fallen asleep and Hope honestly didn't want to wake her but they still had more things to discuss so she softly rubbed the girl's arm.

"Hey I'm back," Hope said kneeling by her.

Josue slowly opened her eyes and was met with Hope's face and immediately smiled "hey" she said her voice full of sleep "when did you get back?"

"Just walked in actually," she said sitting ok the carpet in front of Josie.

Josie sat up more "we should probably talk more."

"Well, I'd like to start with doctor's appointments I'd like to come to them if that's okay?"

"Yeah that's okay" Josie nodded.

"I actually have scheduled for this weekend if you can make it."

Hope immediately nodded "yeah of course."

"Do you think I could tell my parents? I'd make sure they won't tell anyone... I just tell them everything and this is big you know?"

"Yeah of course you can tell them."

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