Where's Y/N? (17)

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"What if she's fine?
It's my mind that's wrong
And I just let bad thoughts,
Linger for far too long"

(this part here is kind of like a general POV instead of Y/N's POV)

It was about 11pm, and the class stayed out longer than expected.

As they arrived back at the dorms, Mina raised her voice "Has anyone here not met Y/N yet?!"

A few students called out saying they hadn't.

"Hmm... Midoriya can you go see if she's awake?" Mina called out.

Izuku nodded, a bit startled when Mina called his name.

The rest of the class waited in the common room for Izuku to either come back with Y/N or for him to return and say that she was asleep.

He took the elevator up to the 5th floor and arrived at Y/N's dorm.

Knock Knock Knock...

No answer..

He tried again,

Knock Knock Knock...

Again, no answer.

He assumed that she was asleep, and opened the door to check.

To his surprise, Y/N wasn't in her room at all..

Izuku made his way back down to the common room after his discovery.

Seeing that he arrived back with nobody, A dark- blue haired man with glasses spoke up for the rest of the class. "So she was asleep?"

"Uh.. she's not there.." Izuku mumbled, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Where would she be this late at night?" Tsuyu said sounding concerned.

"Why don't we look around the dorms for her!" Mina exclaimed as if she was talking about a treasure hunt.

The whole class agreed with Mina, dispersing into groups to find Y/N.

Mina's group checked Y/N's room again and the bathrooms.

Izuku's group checked around the outside of the dorms.

Denki's group checked the rest of the floors in the dorms.

After turning up with nothing, the class all made their way back to the common room to discuss where Y/N could be.

"Maybe she went to the shops or something?" Jirou shrugged.

"Shops are closed at this time of the night, and I doubt she would go alone." Iida replied, moving his hand in a chopping motion.

"Icy-Hot probably knows where she is, he's been here all day." Bakugou chimed in with a grumpy tone.

Mina snapped her fingers. "Yeah we'll just ask Todoroki!

The class made their way to the 5th floor, all arguing about who was going to knock and ask. It was eventually decided that Izuku should ask, since after all he was Y/N's brother.

They arrived at Todoroki's door, making sure to put Izuku in-front of it while the rest of the class sort of hid at the side, although Mina practically stood beside Izuku to see what was going on.

Izuku gently knocked on the door a few times and just like Y/N, there was no response.

"Just open it and see if he's asleep" Denki whispered, the whole class nodded in agreement.

So, Izuku hesitantly cracked open the door and peeked in. He let out a small gasp as he saw what was inside.

Seeing his reaction, Mina whispered to him. "what?!" Without waiting for an answer, she pushed open the door gently and looked inside.

Her eyes widened and she put a hand over her mouth to avoid squealing. "Oh my god, come look!" she whispered over to her classmates.

They all gathered around the door and tried to stay as quiet as possible, all surprised at what they were seeing inside Todoroki's dorm.

They saw Y/N & Todoroki cuddling. Her head was nuzzled into his neck and one of his hands were placed gently on her head, the other wrapped around her waist. His head was tilted down and it seemed as if his lips were rested on her forehead.

Mina quickly grabbed her phone out of her pocket and snapped a photo, giggling in an evil way.

"Oooh la-laa" Denki whispered in a french accent.

Izuku quickly jumped to his senses and shut the door, rushing everyone to get back down to the common room.

"Are they in love!!?" Uraraka squealed as everyone got back to the common room, jumping up and down.

"They're like the perfect couple!" Mina shouted, obvious excitement in her voice.

"That's not like Todoroki though, he's really cold and blunt, I can't believe he was cuddling her like that!" Kirishima spoke up.

"Look guys, we can't assume anything until we ask them tomorrow. So just go to sleep and we'll find out then!" Iida ordered, again moving his hands in a chopping motion.

The class dispersed and headed back to their dorms, gossiping about what had just happened and theorising why they would be cuddling.

Eventually everybody got into bed and dozed off to sleep.

A/N: Sorry for this being a bit of a short chapter! I promise the next one will be longer!

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