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THE Cobra Kai students were doing burpees as punishment for destroying the Miyagi-Do dojo

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THE Cobra Kai students were doing burpees as punishment for destroying the Miyagi-Do dojo.

"This could all be over in an instant. The decision's yours. Who trashed the Miyagi-Do dojo?" Johnny yelled.

Dani gave Hawk a dirty look. They were not on good-terms. She could give him up in an instant because of what he did to her brother, but she was no snitch.

"You all know I'm not fan of LaRusso, but that sort of bullshit we don't teach in here. At least not anymore." Johnny paused. "So, I'm gonna ask you again. Who trashed Miyagi-Do?"

"It was not me, Sensei. I would never disrespect another man's dojo—."

"Shut up, Raymond!" Dani yelled.

He looked over at her sadly.

"Let me handle this, sassy pants." Johnny said.

He then turned to look at Raymond.

"Shut your cake-hole, chubs!" Johnny ordered.

Raymond continued his burpees along with everyone else.

"I'm not looking for excuses, I'm looking for answers!"

"Sensei, we really don't know who did it." Miguel panted.

"Somebody knows something." Kreese spoke up. "Question is...who's gonna break."

The phone started ringing in Johnny's office.

"Keep it going, we can do this all day." Johnny called, going into the office.

"This is bullshit." Faye muttered.

"Tell me about it." Tory breathed.

Dani just grumbled.

"Sensei, we need a water break." Mitch said.

"Two-minute break. Get your bearings."

They all stopped and stepped off of the dojo, drinking some water and cooling down.

"How you feeling?" Miguel asked Dani.

"Sweaty. Really sweaty." Dani answered just before taking a sip of water.

"I don't think that's an emotion." Miguel joked.

"You know what I mean." Dani half-smiled.

Miguel smiled down at her before frowning.

"Look, I'm sorry about Hawk and your brother. He didn't deserve that." Miguel apologized.

Dani cupped Miguel's cheek with her hand.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. Hawk was being an asshole. As of right now, him and I are not on good terms and him and Demetri are certainly not on good terms, but if he makes it up somehow, then we can still be friends."

"Wow, Dani not being vengeful? I'm surprised."

"Shut up."

The couple shared a kiss before Kreese called them all back.


The students were all working out in the back room.

Dani, Tory, Miguel, and Faye, Aisha and a few others were on ropes, Hawk was lifting weights, Mitch was doing push-ups, and everyone else had found something to do.

"Keep going. I have all day." Kreese ordered.

"He's not gonna let up. We have to figure out who did this." Miguel said to Dani.

"Yeah, we really should. Somebody in here is out of control." Dani said facing Hawk.

"What did you just say to me?" Hawk put the weights down.

Dani dropped the ropes and Hawk stepped forward.

"What you gonna attack me like you did to my brother, tough guy? Huh?"

Miguel pulled Dani into himself and Faye held Hawk back.

"Stop!" Kreese yelled.

Miguel looked down at Dani.

"What are you trying to do."

Dani didn't answer and just stared at Kreese.

"You really want to know who did it? It was Hawk." Kreese pointed.

"Yeah, it was." Dani nodded.

"And it was Alexopolous."

"Excuse me?" Dani exclaimed.

She went to go forwards, but Miguel squeezed her right.

"And it was Diaz."

Miguel slowly loosened his grip on Dani and gave Kreese a confused look.

"That's how it feels." Dani muttered.

"And it was Robinson. And it was Nichols, Monroe, Cubs, Red. When one of you makes a move, you all make a move. You live and you die with the consequences and the spoils. You are all Cobra Kai."

They all looked around at each other.

"Main dojo, five minutes. You're about to begin your real training."


They all stood around the mat while Tory and Mitch were in the middle.

"Combat! Aits!"

Mitch and Tory began sparring.

"Faye." Dani whispered.

"Yeah?" Faye whispered back.

"Okay, you can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you."

"Oh no. You're getting back with Robby?" Faye whisper-shouted.

"What? No! Hawk was the one who trashed Cobra Kai after he beat up Demetri. And...And I think Moon broke up with him."

Faye perked up. "Moon did what?"

"Is that all you care about?"

"Sorry, sorry! I can't believe he would do that. He's not the guy I thought he was." Faye frowned.

"Yeah. I just don't know what to do. I'm not a snitch, but then again should I get revenge on what he did to my brother?"

"I think you should do nothing. Wait til someone else finds out." Faye suggested.

"You just found out."

"Not a chance. I'm not trying to be known as a snitch."

"This is impossible."

After Tory scored a point, Kreese told her to finish him, but Tory hesitated.

Miguel spoke up to him, but Kreese dismissed the class.

It was sure an eventful day.

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