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AFTER karate that day, they all decided to go to the diner right near the dojo

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AFTER karate that day, they all decided to go to the diner right near the dojo.

Dani, Faye, Tory, Aisha along with Moon sat at one table while Miguel was at one by himself doing something on his computer and Hawk was over with Mitch and Chris.

"Oh my gosh, Yasmine has the same bikini as me." Moon giggled as she was scrolling through Instagram.

"Tell her she can stay in France." Aisha rolled her eyes.

Moon clicked her phone off and looked down sadly. They had all collectively hated Yasmine, well except for Faye who didn't know her, so it made Moon upset because Yasmine had been her best friend for a long time, but she knew she was mean and picked on her other friends. Moon was stuck and didn't know what to do at times.

Tory looked to Miguel then back at Dani who was taking a sip of her Coke.

"Hey, Dani, what's your boyfriend doing?" Tory asked.

"Ugh, don't know, don't care. I don't even think he's my boyfriend anymore." Dani scoffed.

"Are you serious?" Faye looked up from her phone.

She had been texting the boy from the beach club all day. Dani was happy for her but she was still routing for Faye and Hawk, but also liked Moon and Hawk together.

Tory plucked an ice cube out of her empty drink and threw it at Miguel.

"Hey." He looked over at her.

Dani rolled her eyes and picked at her fingers under the table, trying to ignore Miguel.

"Oops, must've slipped out of my hand. What are you even doing over there?" Tory asked.

"Going all in." Miguel muttered, looking back at his laptop.

Tory looked away with furrowed eyebrows and Dani rolled her eyes once more.

"Okay, why are you even mad at him?" Tory asked.

"I was using him to piss my mom off because of what's going on at home right now and he would've comply, so he told my mom the truth and then gave me attitude about it and left my house. I haven't really talked to him since then except for the other day in karate." Dani explained.

"I'm no genius, but isn't that stupid?" Moon raised her eyebrows.

"No, Moon, he's being an asshole. I don't know why he couldn't go along with it."

"Because he doesn't want to be involved with your little drama. Look, Miguel really cares about you and he's not going to go along with any of this stuff that's going to hurt you." Aisha said.

Dani ripped a piece of her skin off and her finger started bleeding.

"Shit. My finger's bleeding." Dani held out her hand.

𝕿𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 • Robby & MiguelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora