Qin Fan picked up a cup of coffee, took a sip, and asked Feng Jing: "So, have you been under a lot of pressure lately?"

Feng Jing pressed his lips together tightly and agreed in a perfunctory manner: "En."


" ...... " He didn't know either. It's not like he could say that it was because of attacks from Mo Zhen's fans. Even if he did say that, Qin Fan would not believe it. He took a sip from the coffee in front of him, and acted as if he was unwilling to answer.

Qin Fan waited for a while, then put down the coffee cup in his hand. "I will not arrange you any work at this time. You will receive psychological counseling."

" ...... There should be no need? I can guide myself."

"I will let the secretary help you make an appointment. When it is arranged, I will directly notify you."

Feng Jing: " ...... "

That is why he doesn't like Qin Fan, that person.

Qin Fan had always been very efficient in his work. The day before, he had notified Feng Jing about psychological counseling. The appointment was set for the very next day. Forced by Qin Fan's abuse of power, Feng Jing had to go the psychiatrist.

He drove to the clinic himself, and saw that it was a very private place. It must have been specially chosen by Qin Fan. After entering, the secretary at the door led him to a room. Along the way, he did meet a single person.

"Mr. Feng, Doctor Zhang is already waiting for you inside."

"Okay, thank you." Feng Jing's voice traveled out from his mask, sounding very muffled. He pushed open the door and walked in, and saw a man in a suit.

The man was standing in front of the water tank, feeding the goldfish. When he saw Feng Jing coming in, he gave a professional smile: "Hello, Mr. Feng."

Feng Jing removed the mask from his face and also smiled at the doctor: "Doctor Zhang, hello."

Seeing not much resistance from Feng Jing, the doctor smiled again and invited Feng Jing to sit on the seat opposite the work desk: "Please sit down."

Feng Jing walked over with his long legs and sat down. After sitting down, he found the seat quite comfortable.

"I have already heard from Mr. Qin about your situation. He said that you have been under great pressure recently?"

Feng Jing replied: "In fact, it really isn't that. I don't know if you have seen the video yet, but in acting class, they taught us how to liberate ourselves from our role. After filming all day, that was my way of venting."

Doctor Zhang smiled and said to him: "I have seen Mr. Feng's movies before. You are a dedicated actor. But the more dedicated an actor is, the easier it is for them to accumulate pressure and stress. Since you came here, it means that you have realized that you are in need of psychological counseling. You can pour out your troubles to me, and rest assured, I will keep it a secret. I will not even tell Mr. Qin."

No, the reason he came here was because of Qin Fan's ability to take control everything......

However, this psychiatrist didn't seem like a swindler. Feng Jing decided to listen to his advice and frankly discuss: "Actually, I will turn into a dog every night."

"Turn into a dog?" Doctor Zhang finally revealed a strange expression.

Feng Jing didn't mind, only nodding his head and continuing to speak: "En, every night at twelve o'clock, I will swap bodies with a dog. The Feng Jing that you guys see is in fact not me, but the dog."

Midnight Cinderella (Ban Li Zi)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن