After lunch, I insisted on helping Anna with the dishes. She fought a good battle, but no one can win against me.

After that, Lorenzo, and Gabriel showed me to the garage, and let me tell you, it was huge. There were five gorgeous cars parked next to each other, each one more expensive, than the last. I couldn't help but think of all the people I knew, that could've been fed with the money they spent on useless things like that. I followed the boys into a beautiful black Porche as Lorenzo sat in the driver's seat while Gabriele and I sat in the back together.

"Hold on tight," Gabriel whispered as Lorenzo started the car.

As soon as we started, I could see why he said that. Lorenzo drove like a madman. I didn't know what the speed limit was, but I'm one hundred percent sure he doubled it. After the initial shock, I fucking loved it. I had the biggest smile on my face, which just encouraged Lorenzo to go faster.

"I thought you were a lame-ass doctor," I yelled over the engine roaring.

"Rude, I'm a cool-ass doctor-to-be," Lorenzo called back fake offended.

We reached the mall in record time, with Gabriele almost throwing up in the parking lot.

"Don't be a drama queen," Lorenzo just laughed as Gabriele pretended to faint.

The mall was filled with so many different stores I had never seen in my entire life. I just shopped at thrift stores and flea markets, but this was some next-level shopping. There was no fucking way I would ever afford this, but then again, my new brothers were loaded with money. I know it's not their fault, but in a way, I found myself resenting them for it. They got to live like this, while I had to survive on my own or die.

Gabriele showed us into a store, that I really liked, but when I looked at the price tags, I did a complete U-turn. Lorenzo however told me to ignore the price tags and practically dragged me around the store. He would show me something, and if he thought he saw even some hesitation before I said 'no it cost too much' he took it.

While Lorenzo was forcing me to shop, Gabriele had found a cute girl, who worked at the store and they were very much hitting it off.

As the dude behind the counter rang us up, I felt sick watching the price go higher and higher. In the end, it was over two grand. 

"Lorenzo I can't get this. I'll never afford that," I said almost laughing at how ridiculous the price was.

"You're not paying," he said trying to read me again.

"Not now, not ever. Alessandro gave me his credit card," he continued with a smirk.

I immediately felt bad about spending Alessandros' money. I knew they were rich, but still, that's a lot of money. I wouldn't have probably been more comfortable spending that amount of money from my own savings, than taking someone else's money. I just tried to justify it by looking around, remembering the house they lived in. He could afford it and probably wouldn't even notice the money leaving his bank account.

After the first store, we did that in two other stores, while Gabriel just chatted with his new friend. Lorenzo just rolled his eyes at him saying that he does that a lot. I hummed an 'I wish' under my breath, which earned a loud chuckle from Lorenzo.

After clothes shopping, Lorenzo insisted on getting me a computer. Even tho I tried to explain, that I didn't need one Lorenzo was adamant. In the end, he bought me a laptop, an Ipad, and a new phone. He said mine was way too old to even be called technology.

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