Hideous (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: Continuation of Pick/Rome vet story. Warning foul language! 

Rome was hiding behind Pick, making himself as small as possible. 

"Rome," The man spoke up directly to him. The cold tone made Rome shiver. His fingers instinctively grabbed the fabric of Pick's shirt as he pressed closer to his back. 

"Come here, Rome." The man commanded. 

"He's not going anywhere." Pick answered instead of him. 

"Who are you to talk for him?" The man's eyebrow raised.

"Don't tell me you whore yourself around already, Rome. I always knew you were a little bitch." The man snickered, addressing Rome though he couldn't see him because of Pick. 

"He's not a bitch." Pick's cold, angry tone made Rome flinch. Why was he so agitated? This kind man didn't know him. They met just a few hours ago, and now he's standing up for him. 

"Really? He was a good fuck, though." Rome's ex-boyfriend laughed. Rome wanted to cry again. How could he say those hideous things about him? 

"Fuck, you," Pick growled as he launched forward, pulling the unsuspecting Rome with him. Pick's fist landed straight in the male's face, making him cry in pain. 

"If you ever show your ugly face in front of Rome, I am going to end you." Pick threatened, pointing his finger towards the whining man. He turned around, making sure Rome was alright before he grabbed his hand, leading him away from his ex. 

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