Weakness (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Continuation from Black and White kitten story. 😽

At first, Sean wasn't happy about the cat twins. The duo was always causing troubles around the garage, especially Black. The small devil seemed to enjoy pissing him off. White, on the other hand, was an angel. It only took for the tiny kitten to look at him with big round eyes, and Sean would melt with his cuteness. He could tear his clothes into pieces, chew on his shoes or eat his food, and Sean would shrug it off as soon as White's fluffy head nuzzles his leg. Yes, White's eyes were his weakness. 

It was one of those lazy days when Sean had no school, and the work at the garage was all done. He was lying on his bed, reading a random book he picked up from the library when the muffled meowing caught his attention. He would have let it go, but it went for a while now, and he started to get worried. Sean put the book away, stood up from his comfortable position and went out of his room. He only needs to stop at the railing to get a good view of what is going on. The cat siblings were near the bikes. Black was standing in front of his ride, looking like he wanted to jump up on it, and White stood next to him with the pawn constantly hitting his brother's back. Sean guessed White tried to stop the gremlin from damaging his bike. He finds it funny and adorable at the same time. He leaned on the railing and continued to observe the two small animals. 

White was meowing at Black, nudging the other's head with his, slowly pushing him away into the safe distance. Black didn't look happy as he was meowing back at White but didn't try to be physical with him. After a particularly harsh meow came out of Black's mouth, White halted and looked up at his brother. It only took a second for the baby kitten to meow painfully and run in Sean's direction. Sometimes Sean forgot how fast White could be when it comes to running. He merely pushed himself off of the handrail when White appeared, showing him his sad, pleading eyes. Sean picks the kitten up, cradling him in his arms, scratching his fluffy head. White snuggled closer to his chest, seeking comfort. Sean sends a warning glare to Black, who was watching them from downstairs, before walking back to his room. 

If the two cats were humans, he would have sworn they just argued, and Black said something harsh to White, making him sad. But it wasn't possible, was it? 

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