Strength (Pick/Rome)

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Rome was crying as his short legs carried him towards the nearest veterinary clinic. The lifeless tiny puppy in his arms, covered in blood. He burst through the glass door, catching the attention of the girl standing behind the counter. 

"Please, help." Rome cried out, stumbling forward. The girl's eyes widened before she called for the doctor. Rome was clutching the small animal tightly, his tears drenching the red fur. 

"Nong, can you let go of her?" The soothing voice spoke up, making him look up. The tall man standing in front of him was, without a doubt, a veterinarian. His arms were stretched in an attempt to pick up his poor puppy, but Rome was gripping her with so much strength that he was afraid he would hurt her more. 

"Save her, please." Rome sniffled, carefully passing the dog to the handsome stranger. 

"Don't worry. We will do everything to help her." The man assured him before disappearing behind the white door. Rome was standing still, his eyes still fixed on the place the man vanished.

"Calm down. P'Pick and P'Porsche will help your dog." The girl spoke up, lightly touching his arm and leading him to the couch, helping him to sit down. 

"I am Emma. What's your name?" She asked with a tender smile.

"Rome." He muttered, chewing on his lower lip as his tears kept on falling. 

"Are you alright, Rome? I am sorry for asking, but can you tell me what happened to you and your puppy? Telling the truth, you look like someone attacked you." Emma pointed at his dishevelled hair and the bruise forming on his cheek. Rome stiffened. How could he tell her that his ex-boyfriend tried to force himself on him, and his baby got hurt while protecting him?

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