Victim (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: Continuation of Pick/Rome vet story. 

Rome was fidgeting on his seat. The veterinarian who just accused him of beating Bibii was sitting across from him. His expression wasn't judging anymore, and he seemed more guilty and concerned, but Rome was still scared of him. 

"Sorry for startling you." Pick spoked up, trying to smile at him, but Rome knows better than to fall for it. He did it once, and it made his life hell. 

"I assume the puppy is yours?" The vet asked. Rome nodded slightly, avoiding Pick's eyes. 

"You don't have to be afraid of me. I won't harm you like the person before did." He continues speaking. Rome stiffened, glancing at the man sitting in front of him. How did he know?

"I can tell by the way you look." Pick pointed out his tattered shirt, the redness around his wrist and the forming bruise on his cheek. 

"Were you mugged or something? Should we call the police?" He asked. Rome shook his head in disagreement even though the sudden concern in the vet's voice made him hesitate. 

"How's Bibii?" Rome said instead. Pick sighed, crossing his arms on his chest. 

"Your puppy is stable. Though, she would need time to recover properly. She needs to stay here." Rome was listening carefully. The tears were gathering in his eyes again. He was such a failure. 

"Listen, Rome. The person who did this to you and your dog needs to get punished. I am not saying this as a veterinarian but as a person who cares. You were beaten by someone you know." Pick stood up from his seat and walked over to Rome, kneeling in front of him. He took his trembling hand's in his, gently squeezing them. 

"Don't let that person make you a victim. Don't hide and justify his actions." Pick continued to speak. At that moment, the walls Rome build so hard crumbled down. The tears started pouring down his face, and he couldn't stop. He didn't deserve this. 

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