Fangs (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Let's start May with Sean/White. I had this idea in my head for a while. I am making it in the miniseries for this month. 😉💚

It was a day like any other for Sean. He woke up, get dressed, and greeted Gumpa while eating a quick breakfast before driving off to the Uni. The lectures were exhausting, and he was more than happy that he could hours later escape back to the garage. Parking his bike on the regular spot, Sean exhaled with relief. The shop was unusually calm, but he didn't mind. It was quite a pleasant change. He climbed the ladder, walking to his room with the idea of his bed and a short nap in his head. He would never guess what would he see as soon as he opened the door. Lying right in the middle of his bed was a tiny white fluffy ball. Sean made a few steps closer, observing the animal intruder sleeping peacefully. The kitten was so small and cute that Sean couldn't remain angry at it for taking his space. He reached his hand to pet the adorable kitten when someone spoke up behind him. 

"There you are. We were looking for you." Gumpa said, startling Sean and making him turn around. The owner of the garage was standing in the doorway with a black feline similar to the one on his bed in his arms. The black cat was looking at him, and Sean could feel it judging him. After a while, the cat hopped out of Gumpa's arms and walked toward the bed, not forgetting to hiss and show his sharp fangs at Sean as he passed by. 

Sean was beyond stunned. The black gremlin had an attitude. He watched the devil jump on the mattress, curling himself around the white cutie, acting as a protective barrier. 

"What the fuck." Sean cussed, looking back at Gumpa, demanding an explanation. 

"Sean, this is Black, and the other one is White. They will live with us from now on." Gumpa introduced the kitten duo to him before disappearing somewhere in the building again. 

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