Creature (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Continuation of Black/White kitten story. A little longer this time. 

Sean considered himself a rational person. So if you'd told him he will have a cat-human creature sitting on his bed, he would have laughed straight to your face. But now he was on his old mattress with White, who for some unknown reason, turned into a human. He was still perplexed by the moving fluffy ears on top of White's head and the restless tail tickling his arm, completely forgetting that the boy was naked. Sean realized it only when White crawled towards him, trying to settle on his lap. 

"Wait!  You don't have clothes." He panicked, pushing the tiny male away. Sean hurried to his wardrobe, attempting to hide his blushing cheeks inside it as he roamed through his clothes. He pulled out a random grey shirt, underwear and shorts, tossing them to White. 

"Dress up." He commanded without facing him. He heard shuffling and soft grunts.

"Are you done?" Sean asked, tempted to peek over his shoulder. 

"Sean," White whined, asking for his attention. Sean hesitated but turned around. He had to chuckle at the sight awaiting him. White was stuck in the shirt. One of his arms somehow ended in the hole for the head, and the head couldn't go through the narrow sleeve. His tail was swishing in the air, and Sean could easily say the adorable kitty was annoyed. He moved towards him, grabbing gently White's arm, which was peeking from the wrong hole, pushing it back inside. He arranged the clothes the right way, and soon enough, White's ears and a head popped right in front of his face. 

"Cute." Sean smiled. He couldn't help himself and petted the soft hair. White smiled back at him, nuzzling his face against his shoulder. 

"You are real." He added as he touched the creature, feeling his hair and soft skin. 

"White likes Sean." The kitten purred. 

"So White became human for Sean," White said, his doe eyes blinking adorably at Sean. 

"You turned into a human for me?" Sean asked, bewildered but happy in a way. He watched White nod and tilt his head to the side. 

"White can turn into a human if he wants," White confirmed. 

"Wait. Does this mean Black can be human too?" Sean gasped, wishing it won't be true.

"Yes. Black can be like this too." White nodded, yawning. The kitty crawled on stunned Sean's lap, leaning his head on his shoulder, and nuzzled the crook of his neck with his nose. The fur of White's ears tickled Sean's cheek, but he didn't mind. He pulled White closer, letting his tail wrap around his waist. He will think about Black later, now he needs to focus on this adorable creature. 

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