Slime (Pick/Rome)

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The sun was setting down when Pick finally parked his car in the garage. The day was exhausting, and he wanted nothing more than to cuddle his adorable boyfriend in their warm bed. But all the plans flew out of the window when he stepped inside the house. The whole living room looked like a tornado had just passed through it. There were plush toys spread everywhere together with crayons, paper and some kind of undeified colourful blob of something, he assumed was a slime, sticking to the white wall. 

He already sees the headache coming. Pick moved further into the room, carefully not to step onto something, when Rome emerged from upstairs. 

"Pick, you are already home?" He asked with a smile. Pick nodded, not wanting to talk right now. He was tired, and he knew he would lash out at Rome if he opened his mouth. 

"I am sorry for the mess. The neighbours asked if I could look after their son. They had some kind of emergency going on." Rome explained the disaster in their house. 

"Go and take a shower. You look tired. I will clean in the meantime." He pointed out, kissing Pick's cheek and pushing him towards the stairs. 

"I hope you will be fast. I need cuddles." Pick announced, not waiting for Rome's response as he dragged himself up the stairs. 

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