53: reality

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Jacob and I were on our way back to the house in Los Angeles. The rest of the gang arrived a couple of days ago. However, I decided to stay a few days longer in New York to visit my family. I was glad when Jacob decided to stay back with me. He got to meet my aunt and my cousins. I wasn't surprised to see how much they all liked him.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to stay in New York a little longer," Jacob whispered and grabbed my hand. "How did you know I was thinking about that?"

"Come on, baby. You got that sad look in your eyes," he raised my fingers to his mouth as he turned into the driveway. I smiled. "What?"

"You're romantic," I chuckled as I leaned back into the car seat. He only laughed. "Am I wrong?"

"It's not the short time spent with my family that bothers me. I just hate saying goodbye."

"Yeah, I get it."

Ever since that thunderstorm, I've been sleeping in Jacob's room. Occasionally, he sleeps in mine. Tonight is one of these rare times. I was just getting ready for bed when he walked in with a cup of tea and a water bottle. I watched him climb under the covers after he had set down the drinks. I crawl beside him; his arm finding its place behind my back. My head is on his side as he sits straight against the headboard of the bed. We put on Modern Family.

"I got an instagram message this morning," I suddenly remembered I had to talk to him about us. "What did it say?"

"It's actually a fan page or more like an update page. She told me about that video of us kissing in New York. People know we're dating and I just wanted—" he interrupted me. "To know if I wanted to make it official? SJ, I have an Instagram draft that is waiting to be posted. Quite literally," he said, pulling out his phone. He turned his phone and I started laughing.

"Let me see that." It's a picture of us kissing with our favorite heart emoji. I smiled and pressed the post button. "That's better," I said, giving his phone back.

"Way better. Now, I won't have to restrain myself in public," he chuckled. We kissed and it started to get heated, but a loud scream interrupted the moment.

"FINA-FUCKING-LLY!" We burst into laughter as Claudia and Tim yelled in unison from the room next to mine.

"I think they saw the picture," Jacob whispered. I chuckled, "You think?"

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