39: reality + text message

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jacob's pov

My head is throbbing, but yesterday's events were worth it. We had so much fun and met so many cool people; Vinnie, Jack, Markell, the Mian Twins, Bryce Hall and so much more.

It took me a few seconds to realize that Sarah is not in the room. I put on some shorts and grabbed my phone. I had three messages.

Text message from Sarah Jane
You changed the contact name to SJ ❤️‍🔥

had to run to a couple of meetings for next week! i'll be back in two hours

okkkk so it might take more than two hours

scratch that, i'll be gone all day :(

😔  you should have woken me up

you looked way too peaceful x

"Yo, Jacob! Wir gehen ins Fitnessstudio, willst du mitkommen?" Julien suddenly entered. "Ja." I decided to go to the gym with them.

i'm headed to the gym !

okay! i'll see u later

"You really like her, huh?" Tim asked, in between repetitions. "Yeah. It's been a while since I liked someone as much as her. Weißt du was ich meine?"

"Yeah, I know what you mean," he said looking in Claudia's direction. "I just hate that we're interested in girls who live so far from home."

Text message from SJ ❤️‍🔥

less talking, more lifting

what? where are you?😳

turn around 🥲

I shake my head as I see SJ approaching with her gym bag. She's wearing a matching pink set and a white cap with beats on her head.

"I thought you were gone all day," I said.

"Oh, yeah, but the last meeting got canceled, so I didn't have to drive all the way across town."

"Well, I'm glad."

"I'll leave you two work out. I'm starting on the treadmill," she declared, before walking toward Julien and Claudia.

"You're staring," Tim suddenly said.

"Shut up."

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