16: reality

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"Oh, no. Look at what you started!" I told Luis in the car and showed him Jacob's recent post. "There's already fan accounts about the two of us."

Luis laughed, "Don't worry about it."

I had a great time tonight. The food was better than expected. I don't usually eat out. My diet in college consisted mostly of ramen noodles or pizza. When I come to think about it, pizza wasn't a very good idea. I had to restart a whole dress because a pepperoni fell on the fabric, leaving a red stain.

I wake up when I hear Jacob and Jojo speaking in german. "Is everything okay?"

"Sorry to wake you up. Yeah, I had a meeting this morning and I forgot about it. Bene, Angelina and Julien are at the beach. Tim and Luis are downstairs," Jacob said. "I've got to go!"

"Looks like the trio is back together. What do you you guys wanna do?"

"I was thinking about making POVs downtown."

"Yeah, that's a good idea!"

I clap my hands, "Oh, yes. I wanna see this in action!"

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