"Wow, he should absolutely get one. Listen, I'm going to check if the kids are sleeping." As he rose from the bed, Hoseok said.

Taehyung stared at him, "Hoseok, do not tell Jin anything."

"You know me better than that, babe." As he took up his phone from the nightstand, Hoseok answered. "I shall return shortly. Wait, what type of trust did you say?"

"This is why I don't share anything with you," Taehyung shook his head.

"He is my best friend, and you're telling me I should let him sign away his life? He would never let that happen to me. He gave us the down payment for this house when we were both penniless and evicted from my parents' home when I became pregnant."

"Jungkook cannot know! and let's not forget, we won't own half the shit we do now and no more shopping for you if he finds out."

"I know, I know. Seokjin wouldn't say anything to him."

"Oh, if you really want to help him, tell him to ignore Jungkook for one week and keep the agreement. Do not respond to his calls or contact him in any way. Jungkook hates this. It might lead him to yield somewhat to Jin's demands."

Taehyung was greeted with a kiss from Hoseok, who had made his way back onto the bed. "I love you," he said. "Don't go to bed just yet because I will come back with a treat for you, but first, I have to call Jin."

While Taehyung's husband was leaving, Taehyung could only shake his head. He was aware that Jin did not respect him, but he thought many of the conditions Jungkook had included in the contract were unreasonable. When he was drafting the contract, he had the impression that he was working on a business deal, and this did not feel right to him for someone like Jin. He found Jin to be a challenging person, and he didn't approve of many of his habits, but at heart, he was a very caring guy who had always been there for his husband and their kids.


Two weeks later

Seokjin's Pov:

It was the worst experience of my life to be pregnant. Nothing seemed to fit me anymore. Morning sickness was giving me a real kick in the rear end. This guy was driving me crazy. The only thing he continued to phone me about was the agreement. I wasn't through with the agreement just yet; Hoseok had proposed that I hold off on it for a week and not speak with him; however, I didn't even need to do that since it happened organically.

It took me a lot of time to read the agreement since it was so lengthy and tedious, and I had to strike out a lot of the mess as I went through it. However, I became ill in the middle of reading it. Since the previous week, I have not felt my best, and I have been throwing up constantly.

Since I failed to remember to seek a change of doctors, I would have to visit the physician today, even though I really didn't want to. I still needed to collect my thoughts on the case of suing this doctor. Because of everything that's going on in my life, it's possible that I ought to pursue a career in the legal profession.

After all, attorneys charge a lot of money. Google will undoubtedly be able to assist me in constructing my own argument. I refuse to pay so much money for legal advice, especially if most of them are like Taehyung, writing bullshit agreements.

As soon as I opened my front door, I immediately wanted to shut it again because he was there, dressed in his Thom Browne classic cut wool suit. Damn him for wearing my preferred luxury brand. Why did he come here?

"Your doctor's appointment is at nine; are you aware you're running late? I have been outside for fifteen minutes with no response to my call."

Great, he is going with me to the doctor.

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