14. Cages and Freedom

75 5 0

September 2026,
Ovzdusia, Soare-Luna Kingdom


"Ready?" Dad asked right before we were about to make our entrance.

I wasn't but I nodded anyway. We had taken our sweet time to get here but there was still no word from Dimitri. I would have to go in so that no one grows suspicious.

The doors opened and the music changed to a slower, softer piece.

My grip on Dad's arm tightened as we slowly walked down the aisle. He looked at me in slight concern but I smiled reassuringly. At least I think I did.

Each step I took reduced the distance between me and a future that I detested more and more every second. I tried to walk slower than usual, taking more time so that Dimitri would find the blasted contract and get me out of here before I had to endure more of this torture.

I could feel the eyes of hundreds of people on me. But the only one that burned my skin was Felix's teary, awe-filled gaze.

I always made sure that I would never be put in a position to do something I didn't want to do. But here I was, in a room full of people, walking towards a man I did not love, all because his witch of a mother was blackmailing me and using the little good I had in me against me.

I couldn't believe that I, Katerina Van Acker, that been cornered into doing someone else's bidding.

What the fuck am I doing?

Dimitri might come through and save the day but I would never forgive myself if I didn't stand up for myself.

Suddenly, every cell in my body wanted to turn around and run away. Why was I doing this again? Why the hell did I choose this occasion to be a good person? Being nice was so inconvenient.

Once we finally made the walk down the aisle, Dad pressed a kiss on my cheek and then lifted my hand to place it in Felix's hand.

I froze. I couldn't do it.

My eyes flickered to the left where Jayden stood as my Man of Honor. He only mouthed one word. 'Run.'

Felix extended his hand and grabbed mine. His lips moved as he said something, probably a compliment, but I didn't hear it. I tried to smile and nod but my facial muscles refused to move. I felt numb.

Felix squeezed my hands, bringing me to the present. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

No. I wasn't okay. I was mad. Mad at Louise for blackmailing me and mad at Felix for being so blind to his mother's devious schemes. Mad at the world for always making me have to put on my armor and fight, for putting me in positions that made me want to squash all my niceness out of me.

Dimitri would come through. For some reason, I felt like I could trust him. But I could never be too sure about it. There was a solid chance that the contract wasn't in Louise's suite. It could be someplace else. I couldn't trust anyone but myself. I needed to make my own decisions and rely on myself. I was always my surest bet. I could come up with a way to get out of the contract with enough time and resources. I would help my companies later, talk to them and make them understand. But what I absolutely couldn't do was go on with this charade for a second longer than I already had.

My breath grew harsh.

"No. No, I'm not," I replied.

Holy shit.

I am doing this. I am actually doing this.

I looked at Felix and I felt sorry. Sorry to leave him like this, at the altar, and subject him to the scrutiny of our very judgemental world. Maybe one day, I'd get to apologize to him and have him say that he understood. Or maybe not. And whatever it was, I would be alright. But I knew I'd never forgive myself if I let Louise pull my strings like this. I was done dancing to her tunes.

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