13. Changes

74 6 3

September 2026,
Ovzdusia, Soare-Luna Kingdom


I haunted myself by recollecting all the sins I had committed in the thirty-two years of my life. While the list of all the heinous things I had done was long, there wasn't one particular thing that would warrant such a fucked up fate. Maybe it was the tally of all my deeds. That had to be it. My soul had to be unredeemable, which was why I didn't deserve a soulmate. At least not one that was meant to be mine.

"Alright, this looks good. Thank you," Katerina told the little army of people that were helping her get ready for her wedding. It took them five minutes to pack up and leave.

Once they were gone, she turned to look at me. "Any update?"

"They are working on it," I replied. Katerina was right when she said that Louise Richardson had somehow managed to alter the contract after it had been signed. I had a team of very talented people who were giving her the taste of her own medicine. It involved having a few of our secret agents in the US hack into Louise and her lawyer's database and make some changes to the contract. I had also tasked a few people to break into her home to make some changes to the physical copies of the document.

But it was taking them too much damn time.

"Any more time and I will be married," she said, looking frustrated.

No way in hell would I let that happen. Her being married, living in a different country, and me disappointing her in the first twenty-four hours of meeting her would prove to be quite an obstacle in my way to winning her over and making her fall in love with me. My soul might not be worthy of a soulmate but my soulmate was worthy of someone who would do his best to make her happy.

"I could use some motivation to speed things up," I said in an attempt to tease her and take her mind off the wedding.

She gave me one long, hard look before she turned her back to me and slowly slipped out of her robe.

I sucked in a breath at her near-naked form. She was wearing a white, lacy bra and matching thong that showed off her cute, perky ass. Fuck. My fingers twitched, wanting to cup it, to squeeze it.

She looked back at me from over her shoulder and held my eyes for a moment before her hot gaze slowly slid down my body until it landed on the tent in my pants. She smirked, knowing the exact effect she had on me. She turned around, displaying the top half of her tits that were doing their best to jump out of her bra.

It took every inch of self-control that I had to not get off the couch I was sitting on and mark this siren as mine. One more sin that I was desperate to commit. Tainting her with my blackened heart would put my soul on a train straight to hell if I wasn't already on it. But she was simply too difficult to resist. So, I didn't.

I was about to stand up but she took two long steps and stood between my knees, towering over me like the Goddess she was. She sensually trailed the tip of the long nail from my temple to the bottom of my chin, tilting my head up so I looked at her properly.

"Like what you see?" she asked in a low, husky voice.

I gulped. My throat felt dry and I couldn't do anything but nod.

"After the wedding, either you will get to see me like this again and unwrap me, or Felix will. One way or the other, I'm going to get fucked. That motivational enough for you?" she asked, making me more jealous than I already was, not knowing that she was playing with fire. I didn't want to think about her with another man.

"Careful there, Princess. You are playing a dangerous game," I warned darkly, grabbing her hand and taking it off my face. With one quick pull, she lost her balance. With another smooth maneuver, she was on top of me, straddling me. I pushed both her arms behind her back and used one hand to secure her wrists. I pulled her closer to me, her tits now pushing against my chest. "What's stopping me from taking what I want right now?"

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