2. Man of Honor

139 8 0

August 2026,

Scars Bay, USA


"She's quite persistent," Alyanna commented after Stella left. I took a breath in relief. Finally, it was just the two of us.

I turned to face her and smiled. She was back. "She is." I patted the pillow on my lap. "Now, where were we?"

Alya pursed her lips and ignored my invitation to lie down in my lap again. "She seems nice. Why do you want to break up with her again?"

I released a breath. "She's annoying."

"She was there for you when you needed it the most," she said, referring to the time after she was gone and I had begun acting out, so much so that I was impossible to be around. That was the time most of my 'friends' realized it was best to leave me on my own and gave up on me. I was better off without them anyway. I didn't need them. Or anybody else. Only Alyanna.

"For which I am thankful. But I can't do this anymore. I tried to love her but I couldn't. She doesn't measure up to you!" I was frustrated that she was taking Stella's side.

"You know this isn't healthy, right?" Alya asked, pointing towards the both of us.

"You keep me sane, Alya. I cannot live in a world in which you don't exist. Even if you are just a figment of my imagination."

She smiled a sad smile. "You're lonely."

"Please don't start with this," I groaned. "I don't want to talk about a future with another woman. Not when I miss you the moment I step out of this house."

"Okay, fine. Stay in denial."

"I will, actually," I informed her. "In fact, I like it this way. Just you, me, and Storm."

"That sounds awfully lonely."

"You disappear when other people come around. So if being lonely is what it takes for you to remain in my life, to always be in love with you, then I will happily be lonely. I prefer your company to other people's anyway. They're all annoying and have made a habit of telling me how to live my life."

"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell," she replied, quoting Wilde. "Your life is your own making. You're alive, Jay. Heaven and hell are a lifetime away. You need to move on. Maybe even fall in love again. Live again. You deserve a fresh start. A chance at life." She looked sad. I hated making her upset.

I replied with a Wilde quote too. "You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear. And Alya, only I can hear you. If I stop listening and move on, you would leave. And I would have to be a really shitty boyfriend to make you leave me twice."

Her hand extended to touch me and I closed my eyes. A slight breeze hit my face and I smiled. She was always here with me. "I love you, Jayden."

"I love you too, Alya. You're all I need."

"Both of us know that's not true. Not only are you lonely, but you are also unhappy," she pointed out. "You used to like going to your Dad's office and helping him out. You used to love cooking. You dropped out of university to start your own restaurant. But you barely go to work. You loved racing with Grayson and working on cars with Cameron. You haven't talked to the twins in years. Ajax was your best friend. Do you even know what he is doing these days? And you're ignoring Kate's calls now. You're not okay, Jay. You miss your friends. You need help. There is nothing wrong in asking for it."

I looked away.

"As you said, I am a figment of your imagination. If this wasn't true, and if you didn't think so too, I wouldn't be saying it, would I?" she asked.

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