How my family would witness me sick

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JessZeGaymer would probably threaten to fight whatever's making me sick. Such as a virus or a headache. In this case it's a fucking headache and it was so severe that Jess would probably lose to it

RobynMizore knowing you, you would probably make me eat udon or soup. You would also probably make me drink tea.

NightBear15 you would probably make sure I'm staying hydrated. As a person who refuses to drink water I would probably ignore the question of "are you drinking water?" Actually this is what both you and Robyn (other older sister) would do. Either that or you would keep an eye on me to make sure I'm not fucking dying

langassecretacc would probably sit down and watch cartoons with me. Hell, maybe even some anime. Although knowing my stupid ass it would be just the repeats of the blue's clues reboot. I wouldn't be lying if I said Josh was one fine ass motherfucker- But then again I'm only obsessed with it because of Blue so.

All four of you have something in common though

Dragging me back to bed if y'all found out I was still sick as of writing this early in the morning. Which I totally am not.

You guys look out for me and I love y'all for it

You guys look out for me and I love y'all for it

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