A little sibling's letter

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Dear Night, my older sister,
You are The one that has protected me for six years.
Never left me behind once
My best friend
The one to walk me down the aisle
The one I trust with my secrets
The one that accepted me when I came out
The one that would probably beat up my ex-boyfriend if you saw him on the street
The one that doesn't laugh at me because I like blue's clues
You are the Periwinkle to my Blue
The Lilith to my Eda (had to switch it around because you're older)
The Emira to my Edric
The Micheal to my Elizabeth
The Cyrus to my Cassidy
The Glimmer to my Adora
The Luz to my king
The Lilith to my Hooty
My partner in crime
I couldn't ask for a better sister

With love, RJ


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