"It is quite fine for you to purchase whatever would put you and our child at ease. It is reasonable for me to assume that you will go out and get suitable clothing for yourself. Also, please cease showing disrespect toward my attorney. He put a lot of effort into putting together the agreement for us."

"Not for us, for you, but okay. When will I get the card?" It would not be out of the question for me to go shopping. I was in desperate need of a new wardrobe since all of my clothes were starting to feel uncomfortably snug on me.

"When you put your signature and date on the dotted line." While he was looking at me, he had a cocky grin.

It was the first time I had seen him smile. The jerk was really attractive, and I didn't like it. However, our child would be adorable, which was a positive thing.

"You said I would get the card this week. Did you lie?"

"I did not lie when I said that. I imagined the agreement would be signed and returned to me by the end of the week. Unless you have another intention."

So he was going to keep the card until I signed this book. Wow, what a jerk.

"I have a bill that needs to be paid today, Mr. Jeon."

"Signed the document then, Seokjin."

"I do not have trust in you to sign this without first reading it. If I sign this now, it will be a blind signature since I feel there are things that I won't agree with, and I don't want to do that. As a successful businessperson, I am certain that you would not sign anything that you have not first read. Is that correct?"

He sat back down and stared at me, "you are not allowed to travel outside of the country while pregnant. If you decide to date anyone, I will need to meet them to determine if they are qualified to be around my child. However, you are not allowed to date until our child is five as I want you dedicated to them and them only-"

"Excuse me?" Was he being serious?

"I am explaining the additional terms in the agreement that I have not before disclosed. This will allow you to sign and return the agreement to me today."

"This agreement is all about what you want and expect. Where does it protect me?" This man is not normal.

"That's not correct. The agreement explicitly states that you will receive twenty million dollars once our child turns twenty."

I almost fell off the sofa; I had to grip tightly to the handle. Fuck, I was going to become a millionaire. Damn, he was hitting me exactly in all the right places.

"I am interested in attempting to negotiate such terms. If I had to choose, I'd rather have part of that money when our child is born." After what was the point of making me wait?

"How much?"

"Fifty percent of it. Since there is no guarantee that I will be alive when our child is twenty." With ten million dollars, I would be able to remodel my current home. Oh my goodness, the possibilities that would be open to me! Get my parents the house of their dreams and take care of their retirement needs. They could stop working.

After a period of silence and a sigh, he spoke: "Five million after the birth. Then another five when they reach age ten, and the remainder when they reach age twenty."

I rolled my eyes; he was a bad negotiator.

"I will need some time to think about it."

"Seokjin, you are making this difficult. It does not need to be difficult. I would appreciate your cooperation and immediate signature."

"You are used to getting what you want, aren't you, Mr. Jeon?" I could tell he didn't have a lot of losses besides his marriage.

"I am," he responded confidently, which was not surprising.

"Well, you should expect that to change when dealing with me. I want half after the birth of our child. I will not budge on my demand for this."

"I have no obligation to offer you anything, Seokjin."

"Similarly, I am not required to sign this agreement, Jungkook."

"Then don't sign it!" He stood up and adjusted his suit. "I am leaving."

I stood up and smiled at him, "thanks for coming by." He was a typical businessman and probably wanted me to beg after he said that, but I wasn't going to do that. I have something he wants, not the other way around. Yes, he likely has a black card, which I would want to get, but I would have to be patient. There has never been anything I desired that I was unable to have.

He glances at me and says, "Seokjin, I need you to sign this document." It seemed as though he was attempting to force me to sign it. His eyes were captivating, but my mind was stronger unless he gave me his card instantly.

"I need you to agree to what I have asked for."

"I will not," he spoke firmly, staring right into my eyes. He was serious. Shit. Okay, let me think about this.

"I need some time to review the document." In all honesty, I wasn't going to fork out the cash to have a lawyer go over this since it was money I did not have to waste, but I was going to glance at it to make sure I wasn't signing away my life.


"Key to my house? What the hell, is he nuts?" I struck out another clause as I read through the agreement and ate some grapes. He was insane. This entire agreement was me signing my rights over to some stranger, all because I have a child with them.

"He will choose the child's name. Yeah, no!" What the fuck was wrong with this man? Another strike. I will name my child, not him.

"Would prefer his child to be an only child, unless it's a girl; he will require me to give him a son as his kids should have the same parents." I am sorry, what? No, I can't read anymore. There is no way I am signing this.

Twist of Fate | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now