Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness

Start from the beginning

"If you don't move, it'll hurt less" Doc Ock speaks up.

"Or maybe you could let me go and I can leave this hell hole? Like why does he even need my power if he already has his own? I know you don't want to be here, I can tell" Peter rasps from screaming only a bit earlier from torture.

"Because then he'll be stronger and he'll be the strongest there is. No one will be able to stop him" Doc Ock answers, ignoring the other questions.

Peter stays silent for a moment while Doc Ock starts to put the needles away.

"So why are you really here? What's he holding against you? I can help" Peter offers his help.

"He's not holding anything against me. We want the same thing and that is for you to be gone but first Norman needs some of your power to boost his" Doc Ock argues.

"Then why don't you take some of my power? He already has his own and all you have are octopus arms" Peter banters.

"God I wish I could kill you now" Doc Ock grumbles.

Peter goes to open his mouth again but right as he tries, the octopus grabs him and rips him away from the restraints.

"Woahhhh!" Peter screams.

Doc Ock turns to look at him with an angry scowl and probably angry eyes if he could see through the shades he's wearing. Peter knows he had pissed him off intentionally but at this point, he couldn't care less. If it was his fate to die, so be it even if he wanted his death to be more cool.

 "No need to kill him now Octavius. You know that's not our plan yet" Green Goblin announces himself as he walks into the room the two are in. Doc Ock acknowledges him but never puts Peter back down.

"Right, we are only starting phase two" Doc Ock finally states after silence.

"And killing him isn't until the last phase which is not now so put him down. I need to ask him some questions" Green Goblin negotiates. Doc Ock doesn't say anything but his octopus arms sets Peter down to the floor. "Now come my boy, we have work to be settled."

Peter doesn't follow him and I mean why would he? Just so he can get beat up or whatever the goblin wants? Hell no.

"You don't want me to sedate him so he doesn't know where you're taking him? Or at least throw something over his head?" Doc Ock questions.

"Sedating will take forever and he can count his steps in his head. He's not stupid and I'm definitely not stupid. I'm sure after this session, I'll knock him hard enough in his head that he'll forget. I don't have time for this so come on spidey" the goblin reasons but again, Peter doesn't follow.

Guess the goblin has absolutely no patience today because without hesitation, he grabs Peter by the arm and drags him out of the room. 

Once they're out of the room, Peter takes a good look around the halls just to see that everything looks the same. It's all dirty, rusty, dim lights, cracks, bugs, smelly, nothing special. 

They only take twenty seven steps before they take a left and ten steps before they reach another same old looking door. The goblin pushes the door open and literally throws Peter into there. Peter stumbles a bit but doesn't fall as he maintains his balance when he hears the goblin shutting the door.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions and you're going to answer them" the goblin explains. "First! How'd you feel after your fathers spider bit you?"

"Wait what? My father?" Peter asks.

"Oh! You didn't know? Your father created that spider that bit you. You must've known he was working at Oscorp, didn't you?" He starts off as Peter nods. "Well he created that spider. He worked with Norman Osborn before he shut him out and worked on it alone. He never told Norman how exactly he made it work but he did. Norman set up that field trip finding out that Richards son is still alive after he sabotaged that plane and we are."

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