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About an hour and a half has passed since we arrived at the Bizzaro's cabin, the sun had set behind the trees and I was glad that everything was going as well as it was. For that time, everyone had found a place to fit in between each other.

Nya had dragged BJ back into the lounge room by the ear, the boy muttering and blubbering words left and right before she had pushed him into one of the recliners with her hands on her hips. BJ physically shrunk under her steeled grey eyes, a wobbly grin pulling at his lips.

"Don't smile at me like that, mister. What do you have to say for yourself?" The water mistress raised a sharp eyebrow, foot tapping a rhythm on the carpeted floor as BJ stuttered for a response, "You tricked me into thinking you were Jay, not only did you lie to me, but you kissed me as well! You manipulated me so you could steal from me!"

"L-Look, miss-" Nya hardened her gaze, causing BJ to raise his hands in defence, "Nya! Look, Nya, I'm sorry, okay?" She gestures for him to go on after a small pause, making the man sigh regretfully and play with his hands, "I don't want to make excuses or anything about how I didn't have control of myself, that it was mainly Lord Garmadons doing, but I really am sorry. If I could go back and stop myself, I would."

The pair stare at each other with two seperate expressions. Nya's was calculating, as if scanning him for any traces of lies or if he was just manipulating her again. BJ's was seemingly genuine regret, guilt and acceptance. If she didn't forgive him, then he would accept that and try to prove to her that he truly was sorry.

"I forgive you."

"Huh?" BJ blinks owlishly and shakes his head, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "Sorry, say again?"

"I said, I forgive you." The woman shrugs with a now gentle smile, her hands falling off her hips to hold one out to him, "I understand that you weren't in control of your actions back then, and I hope we can start over?"

BJ had stared at her outstretched hand for a few long seconds before he reacted, reaching out to clasp his own hand in hers, "That sounds good, I'd like that." She pulls him up from the recliner, letting their hands drop back to their sides as they quickly get into a new conversation, their past behind them.

Jade, Kat and Emilie found themselves in the library, BZ being their guide around the spacious room as he had read most of the books that occupied that space multiple times. "This here is a guide on 'How to Defeat a Dromaeosaurid Theropod Grundalicus', also known as the Grundle,"

"Oh, those guys sucked." Jade winces to herself, her friends and Frost glancing at her curiously. She chuckles nervously, blue-grey eyes shifting from one person to the next as she continues, "It's a long story, sorry. You may proceed."

"You're going to have to tell me the story then, sometime." Frost chuckles, moving along the bookshelf as he points to another old looking book spine, "You might find this one interesting. 'Elemental Masters: Be Gone'."

"What's that one about?" Emilie questions, reaching out with gentle fingers to pluck the thick books out of its spot on the shelf. She flips the book over, eyes glancing over the back cover.

"If I remember correctly, that book was written as a journal many years ago by an Elemental Master." Frost crosses his arms over his chest, his gaze drifting off to the side as Jade peers over Emilie's shoulder as the woman flips through a few worn pages, "He writes about the time when humans wished for Elemental Masters to disappear. Many humans believed that the First Spinjitzu Master was wrong for selecting only few people to hold Elemental powers, so instead of accepting that they were powerless, they decided to banish anyone that was chosen."

"What assholes." Emilie scoffs, gently shutting the journal after skimming the ancient looking writing. Jade pouts over her shoulder, wanting to read more but holds herself back.

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