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a few hours later at the hospital, the doctor came out of the emergency room, and everyone stepped up to him concerned.

"Doctor, how is my wife?" Sasuke asked, worried. "Uhm, well, she is out of danger for now, but Sakura has a very complicated pregnancy, and she needs to be placed on..." the doctor was interrupted by Itachi. "Wait a minute Doctor, did you just say she's pregnant?" Itachi asked him. " Yes, according to the ultrasound she's approximately 8 weeks along," the doctor replied. "Sasuke! Did you know about this!!!" Mikoto asked angrily. "no mother I swear to you I didn't." Sasuke replied

" So doctor what now, why is the pregnancy so complicated, Sakura is has a rare condition, not many have come here with such a condition, she suffers from placental abruption, this usually happens to mothers that are 20 weeks and up, but her conditions seem to be different, this is why I said she's a rare case." The doctor told them. "So what should we do, doctor? I mean will they be alright? Is my wife's health in danger??" Sasuke asked, panicking now. *Never would I thought I would love to hear and see my son like this, I'm so proud of the man he has become, thank you Sakura*Fugaku thought, smiling.

"Mikoto, Sasuke, Fugaku, what's going on? I came as fast as we could, what is happening with Sakura!" Mebuki said as we hurried in with Joichiro.

Just then the alarm in Sakura's room went off

"Doctor we have a cold blue in room 10, cold blue in room 10" they announced. "Oh gosh, isn't that Sakura's room!" Sasuke said. "Excuse me let me check on her, I will let you know as soon as I can," the doctor said before rushing back inside.

8 hours later 

"Sasuke you know if you continue to paste like that you will burn a hold in the floor, '' Itachi told Sasuke. But Sasuke just glared at him "stop you two now is not the time for this!" Mikoto told them both.

Sasuke's phone rang looking at the caller id it was private, but he didn't answer it.

The door of the emergency room swung open, the doctor walked out, and everyone expectantly turned towards him. The doctor took a deep breath before speaking

"I am very sorry I have to say this but,

"Sakura lost the baby. I'm sorry, we couldn't save them both, she was hemorrhaging too much, there was nothing I could have done more, again I'm sorry."

Sasuke dropped to the floor in tears " lord what have I done! This is all my fault! She will never forgive me for this!" Sasuke whispered to himself. "NO son this is not your fault but mine, I wasn't expecting you to bring her with you, I'm so sorry son," Mikoto said, kneeling next to him, holding on to him tight.

"How could I not know she was pregnant! How mom?!" Sasuke asked, crying.

5 days later Sakura returned home, well more to the Uchiha's Estate

"Hey sweetheart, how is my sweet girl, I will be staying with you while your dad and Sasuke are away," Mebuki told her, coming to sit next to her.

Sakura turns to look at her mom and tears form in her eyes again. " Mom, why did this have to happen to me? Why? Our first child and I had to lose it, I feel so empty mom" Sakura said crying. "Oh my poor child, I know, I'm here for you," Mebuki told her, cradling her as she cried.

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