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It has now been almost 2 years since Sakura and Sasuke decided to make things right between them. They were now, going on dates, running the business as a team, they actually a real force to reckon with at work, and as promised Sasuke has not been chasing skirts at work, except for Sakura's of course, although, they have kissed a few times, Sakura has never felt comfortable enough to actually sleep with Sasuke. Why you asked, out of both fear of him playing her, and fear of falling more in love with him and ending up being hurt.

At the office

Knock, knock "come in Mya" Sakura said as she finished entering the ending reports in the system. "Excuse me Mrs Uchiha, Mr. Uchiha just called, he said to remind you of your dinner date later with him and also, you have a meeting with Mr Yamato about the Ussa company in the middle east" Mya told her, placing the file on Sakura's desk. "Thank you very much Mya, you may leave" Sakura told her not looking up at her. Now Mya was one of the girls that Sasuke did sleep with, he did say would fire her if Sakura was feeling uncomfortable, however Sakura refused.

Sakura phone started buzzing, she turn to look at it, caller id flashed Sasuke Uchiha, sighing deeply Sakura answered "Yes Sasuke, I already received your message, I won't forget our date this time" Sakura told him Sasuke chuckle before replying "actually that is not what I was calling you about, my parents just invited us to the Christmas Dinner party that they will be hosting this friday" Sasuke replied. "Oh snap, christmas is this week isn't it" Sakura replied completely forgetting about it. "Sakura, did you really forget all about christmas shame on you, does that mean i get nothing for christmas?" Sasuke asked her playfully. "Shut up Sasuke, change of plans, we're going shopping this afternoon, I will see you at 2 instead of 4" Sakura replied. Oh come on Sakura, you know I hate shopping!" Sasuke replied with a whine. "Well too bad we're going anyway, how else I would know what to get for your parents and brother, now I will see you later okay, I love you" replied hanging up. Sakura didn't even realize she told Sasuke she loved him.

Meanwhile to Sasuke who was just staring at the phone in shock. "Wait, did she just tell me she loved me?" Sasuke asked himself. Shaking it off Sasuke continues to get ready for his meeting at 1pm.

Few hours later to SasuSaku at the Mall

"Oh look Sasuke how about that one! You think your mom would like it?" Sakura asked Sasuke dragging him into another jewelry store. "Oh come on Sakura how long do we have to stay here, we're going to miss our dinner reservation, you already had me push it back, so come onnnn" Sasuke whined. "Oh come on Sasuke pllllllease just one more store I promised and we're done" Sakura pleaded with him. "Sighh fine! But just this one!" Sasuke replied.

As soon as they entered the jewelry store, Sasuke spotted one of his Exs. He really didn't want her to find out about Sakura, so he decided to divert her to another store but it was too late. "Sasuke Uchiha is that you!" a voice came up behind them, Sasuke grin his teeth in frustration, Sakura seeing Sasuke reaction already knew it was someone he slept with, and began to get anxious. She was unsure about herself now, because she wasn't sure if that was an old flame or a new one. Sasuke turned to face the woman. "Hey Yuma, what a pleasant surprise, what brings you here?" Sasuke asked her, trying to be detached. "Don't be silly, you know I work here, have you forgotten already, we spoke just last month" Yuma replied, grabbing on his arms. All the colors drain from Sasuke's face. *oh shit, thanks a lot Yuma, now Sakura is going to think I am having an affair with her, well I did but not last month damnit!!!* Sasuke thought as turning to look at Sakura now, who was trying her best to mask the hurt on her face but it didn't work. "I am sorry Yuma but have I introduced you to my wife" Sasuke told Yuma politely removing her hand around his arm, Sakura's head snapped up at him. "Oh so this is the lucky girl, hmm I don't like her, she doesn't suit you" Yuma replied. And at that Sakura excused herself quickly and left. "Sakura, wait! Shit! Thanks a lot Yuma!" Sasuke growled at her. "Hey what did I say? it's not like I lied, I look better than her" Yuma continued to say. "SHUT UP YUMA! SHE IS MY WIFE!!!" Sasuke snapped at her before running after Sakura. 

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