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Sakura found herself lost in her own thoughts, replaying over and over the words that Yuma said to her, along with he lied to me, repeatedly running through her head. Sakura blindly was running through the streets until she crashed into someone. "Sakura? What's the matter?" Sakura heard a familiar voice, looking up she saw it was Hinata "she held on to her and started to weep. "Sakura you're shaking what the hell happened" Hinata asked her again, before Sakura could answer Sasuke came up behind them. "Sakura, please let me explain," Sasuke replied. Hinata looked at them confused. "Sasuke? Wha–" Hinata started to ask but was cut off by Sakura "NO!! Just stop! No more! You promised me! But who am I kidding! You were just playing me yet again!!! I hate you!!! I absolutely hate you!!!" Sakura told him breaking down. Everyone was stopping to watch them now. "Look I don't know what happened between you guys, but can you two, uhm take this elsewhere" Hinata told them. "No I don't want to talk anymore, I am moving out! That way you can let your hoes enter the house. I don't care anymore!!!" Sakura told him and was about to walk away. But Sasuke pulled her back to him and kissed her hard, Sakura resisted at first but melted into him and kissed him back. *Whoa, and here I thought going to the mall to get a gift for Naruto would have been boring today* Hinata thought as they watch Sasuke and Sakura kissed passionately in the middle of the busiest shopping mall in Yokohama. Sasuke pause to allow Sakura and himself to catch up on some air. "W-Will you listen to me now" Sasuke asked her panting. "I-I—" Sakura tried to say, but was once again interrupted. "Uhm guys hate to break this up but could you two like, find a more private place to discuss whatever that is going on between you'll. You seem to have attract on looker" Hinata told them. Sasuke and Sakura both turn to look and see the amount of people looking at them, Sakura turns red with embarrassment. Sakura grabbed Sasuke's shirt. Sasuke looked down at her and smiled "come on wife I believe we have a dinner reservation that we have to get too" Sasuke told her taking her hand. Sakura blushed, before she nodded. "Uhm Hinata, would you like to join us? You can call Naruto, we have so much we have to catch up on" Sakura told her. "Sure, I will call him now," Hinata replied thrilled.

Few hours later Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata, Naruto, Sat down having dinner at Golden top restaurant

"I am still mad at you dude, why didn't you tell me you were married to Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked Sasuke. " Naruto! I told you not to bring that up!" Hinata told Naruto, tapping him upside his head. Everyone started laughing. "It's okay Hinata, I actually wanted to tell you from since graduation but I couldn't. What happened was...." Sakura then told Hinata everything, including Sasuke and Ino. Both Naruto and Hinata was in shock. "whoa can't believe she really went that far, damn she really was obsessed with you after all teme" Naruto said chuckling. Sasuke glared at him "shut it Naruto!" Sasuke told him. The rest of the night went smoothly, at the end of the night Sasuke dropped Hinata and Naruto home before driving home.

"Sasuke, I don't feel well" Sakura told Sasuke as she felt the car spinning. Sasuke look over to her slightly, "Do you want me to pull over? Do you feel like you want to throw up?" Sasuke asked Sakura a little concern now. "I not sure, whoa, everything is spinning" Sakura said clutching to her seat. "Can you hold on until we get home, we like 20 minutes away" Sasuke asked. " I don't think so pull over now!" Sakura asked. Not even waiting for Sasuke to completely pulling over before opening door and jumped out throwing up her guts. Sasuke hopped out the car and get to Sakura pulling her hair out the way. "I told you not to drink all that wine" Sasuke told her. Once Sakura was done throwing up Sasuke handed her some water and a napkin. "How are you feeling now? Will you be able to get home without puking again?" Sasuke asked her. Sakura nodded. Sasuke help her get back into the Car before heading back to the driver seat and driving all the way home.

By the time Sasuke got home Sakura was already fast asleep. Sighing deeply he took Sakura out of the car and carried her inside. "Good evening Master Sasuke, do you need assistance?" Sebastian asked Sasuke. "No that's fine, I will carrier her to my suit tonight" Sasuke told Sebastian as he walked upstairs and to his room.

Few minutes later Sasuke was undressing Sakura trying his best not to wake her up, he was also trying his best not to get tempted by Sakura naked body. Moaning Sakura slowly opened her eyes. "Sasuke-kun, please stay with me tonight, I don't want to be alone tonight" Sakura told him. "Okay, I will," Sasuke replied. Sasuke took off his clothes leaving only his boxers and got in bed cuddling with Sakura. Innocently Sakura wiggles herself back on Sasuke to get comfortable, Sasuke clinches his teeth, because he already can feel his member getting hard. *dammit I know I am going to pray for this in the morning* Sasuke thought. "Good night Sasuke-kun" Sakura told him, "good night blossom" Sasuke replied as they both drifted to sleep. 

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