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6 weeks later, in Science class, our teacher Ms Honoko, decided that she would put us in groups of twos to work on our science project.  Each of us is supposed to pick a topic and do either a thesis on it or build a diagram about it.

"Okay class, once I called you up, you will go join your partner, and then you will tell me what topic you will be doing" Ms Honoko told us. Hinata Hyuga you will be paired up with .... Naruto Uzumaki" I heard someone say a huge Yes!, my guess it was Naruto. Ms Honoko continued to call out each Student and who they will be partnering with. But for some reason, neither Sasuke or my name was called. Sakura began to pray that her name was not called along with Sasuke's, and that fate would not be so cruel. And as fate would have it, bomb there it was. "Sasuke Uchiha will be working with Sakura Haruno" there were a mixture of sounds, but the worse one was out of Sakura. Sakura stood up and addressed the issue. "OH HELL NO!! Ms Honoko I object to this partnership! I want another partner! I refuse to work with this Idiot!!" Sakura said, outraged. "SAKURA HARUNO SIT DOWN!!! This is who will be your partner until your project is done and that is final!!!" Ms Honoko said. Sakura slowly sat back down in her seat. "Great just great, just what I wanted" Sakura mumbled under her breath. Sasuke walked over to her smirking "guess we're partners until we finish our project, this is going to be fun" Sasuke told Sakura with a sinister smirk. Sakura rolled her eyes "great, I am dreading it already"  Sasuke told her. Sakura send him a murderous look before putting her head back down. "so tell me what topic you  both will be doing?" Ms Honoko asked.  " Hydroponic Garden":"Accurate Weather Forcasting" they both said their topic in unisex. "Hmm it looks like you might have a conflict of interest, there is one way to solve this problem," Ms Honoka said. She then went to her computer and looked at the marking grade from last term. "Hmm look like Sakura Haruno leads this project, so we will be doing Hydroponic Garden," Ms Honoko replied. Sasuke was frustrated at first, but after this a creepy Smirk appeared on his face. *very well then I guess it is time for plan B.* Sasuke thought. *Why is he smirking like that! I don't like this smirk on his face, this is going to be the worst time of my life!* Sakura thought, putting her head back down on the desk.

Few hours later Sasuke walked up to Sakura and her group of friends, Ino was beaming. "Oh hey there Sasuke, do you want to go out on a date?!" Ino told Sasuke. "Whoa there Ino what a way to be desperate. Naruto told her laughing. "What do you want Uchiha! " Sakura asked, picking up her bag. "We have a project to start to remember!" Sasuke told her, smirking. "Forget this! I refuse to do anything with you!" Sakura said before walking away. "Damn Sasuke, what did you do to Sakura for her to hate you so much? ''Naruto asked. But he didn't answer he just smirked and walked away 

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