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3 weeks later at the Uchiha's Estate

"WHHHHHHAT!!!!! SHE MUST BE LYING!!!!" Sasuke yelled. "CALM DOWN SASUKE!!!" Fugaku yelled back. "Son, are you sure you didn't sleep with this girl without protection? I will not be mad at you, even though I am, but this is important, we need to know, so we can take the next steps" Mikoto replied. "Mom I am telling you, I never sleep with her without protection, she's lying!" Sasuke replied irritated. "And what about Sakura, are you going to tell her about this? I mean what if Kera finds a way...." Mikoto tired to say but was cut off by Claude "I beg you pardon, but but Miss Henry is here with the boy, should I allow her to come in?" Claude asked. "NO! Sakura is upstairs resting!" Sasuke said panicky. "Wait, she's here! Why didn't you let us know!" Mikoto said, alarmed. "I didn't have the time because you just spring this news on me! Sakura isn't well, so I told her to go home, but she said she would rather be here" Sasuke replied. "Well this is interesting, you always seem to find yourself in strange predicaments Sasuke" Itachi told him smirking. "Shut Itachi!" Sasuke replied, glaring at him. Both of you are quiet! We will handle this as a family! Claude, have her wait in the living room for a bit" Fugaku told him. "Yes Master," Claude said as he left.

Meanwhile to Sakura who was now descending the stairs *omg I wonder why I am so hungry today, and I have the weirdest craving for chocolate covered spaghetti with pepperoni and barbeque chicken* Sakura thought as her mouth started to water and her stomach growled at the same time. Sakura walked slowly past the living and paused. *Wait, who's that?!* Sakura asked herself, seeing the woman sitting there with a boy next to her. *she must be waiting for Miss Uchiha or something* Sakura thought as she continued until the little boy said something to completely stop her movement.

" Mommy I am tired, when am I going to see daddy Sasuke?" Samuel said. "Soon honey, we just have to be patient," Kera replied. Sakura completely made a 360 and walked towards them.

"Excuse, Miss, I am sorry, I just wanted to make sure I heard correctly, did he just say you both are here to see Sasuke? As in Sasuke Uchiha?" Sakura asked with both anxiety and rage taking over her. Kera looks back at her. *who the hell is she! And why is she here!* Kera asked. "Uhm yes you did, you see Sasuke is my Fiance' and my son's father, but we haven't heard from him for a while, so we came to see him" Kera said smiling.

All the color drains from Sakura face "no that's a lie! He would never! *could he? No Sakura, he would never break his promise to me! So she must be lying!* Sakura thought shaking in rage. "LIAR!! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!!" Sakura yeld, as her emotion took over her. "Mommy I'm scared, why is this lady so angry with us" Samuel said, clinging to Kera. "look lady I don't know who the hell you are, but I would back the hell off if I were you! What are you his little play thing! If so I am here now so you better...." Kera didn't had time to finish her sentence, before Sakura slapped her. "How dear you! I don't care who the hell you are! You will not dear disrespect me in my Family's home!!" Sakura said enraged now. Kera starts to laugh, "you dear to hit me you BITCH!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Kera told her before attacking Sakura.

Now back to Claude who was just bending the corner when He saw Kera and Sakura fighting, He run back to the study to alert them of what's happening

"Wait what did you just say, Kera is attacking my wife!!" Sasuke said before quickly exiting the study.

Now back to Sakura and Kera who were rolling on the floor, while Samuel is shaking and screaming in terror.

Sasuke pulled Kera off Sakura "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING! GET THE HELL OFF MY WIFE!!!" Sasuke growled at her. Kera eye popped open wide, "y-your wife! You mean you marry her! She's a savage!" Kera told him glaring at Sakura, who was glaring right back at her.

"Alright enough of this! Kera, I wish to apologize on behave of my daughter, I guessing the news affected her like i said it would!" Mikoto said glaring at Sasuke. "O-okay, s-somebody, p-please tell m-me what is going on here" Sakura said panting. Everyone was quiet for a moment before Kera spoke

"Okay since no one will tell you, then I will, 5 years ago I had a romantic relation with Sasuke when he was in the us, and I got pregnant, and so I brought Samuel to meet his father." Kera said with a smirk.

Sakura turn to watch Sasuke "Sasuke tell me what she saying is a lie! Tell me you didn't betray me yet again! Tell me you didn't get this girl pregnant Sasuke! Tell meeee!!!" Sakura said tearing up.

"Sakura hunny, how about you speak about this another time, right now you not well and you can't be..." MIkoto tried to talk but Sakura quickly cut her off. "NOOOO! I NEED TO KNOW RIGHT NOW!!!! IS THAT YOUR CHILD!!!" Sakura yeld in rage, which cause a pain to form in her stomach. 'Argghhh, damnit with this pain why now, stop already* Sakura thought, holding on to her stomach. "Sakura what is it, is it your stomach again, let me..." Sasuke tried to hold her but Sakura pushed him away. "Don't touch me right now Sasuke! Just tell me the truth! Is that your child?" Sakura asked trying to breathe through the pain.

"Sakura you know I love you, and I swear to you, I didn't father this woman's baby, yes I slept with her, but it was a mistake, but I swear to you, I used protection. Now please calm down, before..." Sasuke didn't finish before Sakura dropped to her knees in pain and then passed out. 

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