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Sasuke watch Sakura in disbelief, how badly did he hurt her this time, wait wasn't it this he wanted all along? "No! I will not!!, Sakura would you please listen to me!" Sasuke told her forcing her to look at him. "NOOOO! NO MORE SASUKE I HAD ENOUGH! I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE, I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE, DAMN YOU FOR MAKING ME FALL SO HARD FOR YOU!!! I DON'T WANT THIS MARRIAGE ANYMOREEE" Sakura screamed at him tears flowing freely from her eyes. "AND I SAID I WILL NOT!!! I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON YOU SAKURA NEVER!" Sasuke screamed back at her. " why? Why Sasuke all you do is hurt me, all you do is play with my feelings, you don't care about me, and I'm sure the only reason why you are here this whole time is that your parents threatened you to stay with me, don't think Itachi didn't tell me" Sakura told him trying to pull herself from Sasuke hold. "Tsk!! Damnit Sakura would just listen to me! Yes, they threaten me but that's not why I stayed!!! Would you just wait a minute!! Stop trying to run!! And just listen!!" Sasuke told Sakura annoyed. "WHY THE HELL SHOULD I UH?! ALL YOU DO IS LIE TO ME!!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THIS ANYMORE! I HATE YOU!!!!"Sakura told him breaking down. 

"Sakura please forgive me, it wasn't my intention I swear it, I never knew Sophia was coming here, and she know I was married, and I saw I didn't invite her here!!" Sasuke tried to explain. "Liarrr I don't believe you!!!! You allow her to kiss you, why Sasuke? Why would you let her do that in front of me? You knew how insecure, I am why would you do that to me yet again!!! Why! Why! WHHHHHY!!!" Sakura asked hitting his chest with her feist. " just let me go Sasuke, I'm sure Sophia is waiting on you, I will tell my parents I will file for the papers once the 2 years come, we only have a few weeks anyway, "Sakura told him feeling like she was going to pass out. And before Sakura knew it Sasuke was on his knees before her a popped-up box with a ring in it, Sakura looked at him in shock. "Sakura I mean every word I said, you are my wife and I love you, I know I did things to hurt you, but believe me when I say I want no one else but you. Please believe me, the only reason why Yuma said I spoke to her last month, is because she saw me in the store buying this ring for you, of course she didn't know who you were, but she got jealous and tried to cause trouble between us, I swear to you, I have been faithful to you, and it's not just because my parents threaten me, is because I got to know you better and I fell in love you Sakura, why can't you believe me, I swear it... I will give you my phone, you can go through it, I will give you all of my business itineraries, whatever it takes, but I swear to you I did not welcome Sophia here, yes I was wrong for allowing her to kiss me, but I pushed her away, but you didn't stay to see it. Please Sakura, I am begging you. Please don't leave, please be my wife, I want to do it right this time, marry me, no business contract, no more arrangement, just a man in love with a woman and I am hoping this beautiful blossom in front of me can forgive me and love me back? Please?" Sasuke pleaded.

 *omg what should I do, is he lying to me again? I mean look at him, I don't think he lying* Sakura thought. "Sighhh okay but that's the final chance, mess up again and I am walking out!" Sakura told him "Does that mean you accept?" Sasuke asked beaming. Sakura laughed, " yes Sasuke-Kun, I will marry you again," Sakura replied. Sasuke joyfully picks up Sakura and twirls her around, just as the snow begins the flurry. "Oh wow Sasuke, look, it's snowing," Sakura told him like drops of snow got stuck in his hair.

Meanwhile to the family who was observing them from close by

"Oh thank goodness they worked out things, I was so worried that things would have gotten worse," Mikoto said. It seems that way, but who invited Sophia in the first place? Itachi asked them. "Well that would be me, I thought it would be good for both of them," Fugaku told them. Mikoto glared at him, "and what made you think that I wonder?!" Mikoto replied. "Now don't give me that look, he needed to be taught a lesson, you the one who spoiled him, what else would you want me to do, he kept spending money wildly, going on trips that he claimed were business trips, so what else you want me to do?" Fugaku asked Mikoto, irritated. "Okay mom, dad, can you take this inside, I believe they would soon come inside, I think it would be best to have Sophia leave before things get worse," Itachi told them both. "Hmm, I don't believe I will, let's see how much he has grown. If he loves her as he says, let's see how he handles this situation" Fugaku replied before returning to the Mansion with Mikoto at his side. "Hmmm I hope you know what you're doing little brother, I really hope so," Itachi said silently before he returned. 

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