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5 Hours later, Sakura was awakened to by hash, hash voices, she slowly opened her eyes to see Sasuke by the door talking to someone.

"Hmmm Sa-Sasuke? W-what's going on?" Sakura asked groggily. Sasuke quickly closed the door and walked to Sakura's side. Sakura slowly sat up not realizing that was was half naked. Sasuke blushed at her unknowing action. "Uhm Sakura you, uhm might want to cover up" Sasuke told her looking away. Sakura looked down seeing she was naked, she quickly pulled up the cover turning red with embarrassment. "Wait what the hell happened! Did you do something to me Uchiha!!!" Sakura demanded. "I do something! I do something! You should be thanking me for saving your ass from being raped!!! What the hell were you thinking anyway!! If I did not come in time you would have gotten violated by that  creep!!! Are you so damn desperate for attention that you would allow anyone to come here  to lay with you Sakura!" Sasuke told her angrily. Sakura was boiling "Oh Yeah!!! Well if you weren't messing around with every woman in a damn skirt I would have too! You slept with my best friend for fuck sake! That's the second damn time you've betrayed me Sasuke!!! I hate you!" Sakura spat at him, tears rolling down her face without even realizing it. Sasuke stared at her in disbelief, *is she actually crying? okay, maybe I did go a bit  overboard* Sasuke thought as he continued to stare at her.  Realizing she was crying she quickly turned her face "please just get out!" Sakura told him quietly as more tears streamed down her face. Sasuke then remembered what his parents told him. "Sighh look Sakura I am sorry for hurting you, I was wrong for sleeping with Ino but I thought you no longer cared, you were the one who said, you hated me all the time" Sasuke told her. "Do you blame me! You knew how I felt about you when we were younger, and you slept with my cousin! How was I supposed to feel after that! uh?! You broke my heart Sasuke!! I never wanted to be anywhere near you, I knew you didn't have feeling for me, and then you kept teasing me, to top everything else, you slept with my best friend few hours after our so call honeymoon! You promised to honor and love me but yet you sleeping around with different woman!! Sakura told him fully breaking down. Sasuke went to hold her "shhh Sakura look I am sorry okay, I promise to do better, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but with you accept, I want to try again, no more woman, and you no more men! We work on our marriage, for real this time, do we have a deal or no deal?" Sasuke asked her still holding her. Sakura nodded. "Good, does that mean you will sleep with me now"  Sasuke asked her teasing her. Sakura stiffen for a minute before start boiling with rage "Sasukeeeeeeee!!!"Sakura told him. Sasuke began to laugh "relax Sakura I was just joking, I will let you get some rest I will see you in the morning, Unless you want me to stay with you tonight" Sasuke told her smirking. "Get out Sasuke!!!" Sakura told him angrily. Sasuke laughed as he kissed her gently on her forehead "good night blossom" Sasuke told her before exiting her room. "Sighh, can he be trusted though? I made a promise, so let's see how things work out." Sakura whispered to herself before drifting back to sleep. 

NB: I know this is another short part, I am sorry guy, thank you again for all the support, please leave your comments, let me know how you guys like this story so far, if you want any changes, or if there is something else you want to see so I can update it in the upcoming episodes. 

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