The truth has risen from the surface

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"Well, I don't know what else to say, I don't know the lingo you kids are using. The question that I have is: how long has this been going on between you two?"

Andreas and I look at each other, wondering which one is going to answer. The sexual tension began in the hallway when he played with my necklace but was really viewing my breast. After that, I think everything fell into place. If we are talking about a sexual encounter, I rubbed him until he came in the kitchen. The first time we had sex? Me, on my back, as he fucked me in his car. After that there was the library, his bathroom, his room, Bridgets room-

I'm starting to realize that Andreas and I have had a lot of sexual encounters.

Andreas says, "For about two or maybe three months."

My mother's eyes widen, "So when we came by the house, I remember you coming down the stairs looking flustered, did you guys- oh god you did! And when Andreas was making all those jokes about you being a screamer and- and being tight." She puts her head in her hands, my father just looks out the window.

"I'm so sorry about that," Andreas whispers in my ear. I shake my head, letting him know that it's fine. 

My mother gives all her attention to Andreas, "Andreas, I'm going to be blunt with you. I love you like a son, always have, and always will. To know that you have been sleeping with my daughter behind my back, I can't even fathom words. This is the behavior I expected from Bridget, but not you Elizabeth. Are you going to date my daughter, Andreas, or just have sex with her." 


"It's not a crazy thing to ask, Elizabeth. I don't want you to be used for your body, or have you be someone's side piece. I want the best fo-"

"We are dating," Andreas says suddenly, clasping my hand with his and putting it on the table for my parents to see.  My head turns to him, shocked by it all. We never said we were dating or even had a discussion about it. I was so caught up with making out with him and the I love you's that it never crossed my mind that we could actually date.

"Is that true, Elizabeth?" My father asked.

I'm quiet for a moment, "Uh, ye-yeah, he is my boyfriend." It feels so foreign on my tongue. One thing I do know is this: he's mine, all mine.

My mother blows raspberries, "Well, shit, if you guys were dating why did you have me rambling on and on. This is great, oh my god, this is great!" My mom claps, putting her hand on top of ours that are joined together.

"This was not the plan." My father said, his voice dark and angry.

"What did you say, dad?"

"I said this was not the plan. He said he was going to end things with you and that was supposed to be the end of this. He hurt you, didn't he? I knew he would." I see his fist ball up. 

I sigh, "Yes, at first, he did hurt me, but everyone knows that you go through a rough patch before the bliss. And what do you mean this wasn't in the plan?" I look at my dad, then Andreas. His whole face is white as a sheet, and his hand is no longer holding mine. "Would someone care to explain?"

"When you came into the kitchen wearing nothing but hot pink underwear and Andreas's shirt, I knew something was going on. Then, I saw his hand on your back and the way you caressed it, that's when everything was final for me. I talked to him and told him to cut things off with you if he wasn't going to make it serious. Which I knew he wasn't, I heard of what happened in his last relationship, that he couldn't give you what you wanted from him and that's love and a relationship. I'm not going to sit here and apologize for any of it, Elizabeth you are my daughter and I love you and I will do whatever it is I have to do to protect you."  

I'm sure I look like a fish right now with my mouth hanging open, but I don't care. 

"Andreas, when did this happen?" He doesn't say anything. "Did this happen days before Doug's match?" It would explain everything.

He nods his head.

All the air, the reason leaves my body, "I- I- wha- why would you- oh my god!" I think my vision is gone; I can't see anything but blind rage. "So, from what I'm understanding is that you hurt me on purpose because of what my dad said? How could you!" He just lowers his head.

"E, I'm so sorry. I thought I was doing what was right."

I shake my head, trying to keep my composure, "No, you did this to protect yourself, and you let my father get in your head. Jesus fucking Christ." I get up from the table, not without taking my plate with me, I might be angry but that doesn't mean I'm going to starve to death.

The truth has risen from the surface, and I'm not liking it one bit.

The Taunting (College Life #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora