That misadventure had been discovered when Mikael flew into a pillar and ended up breaking one of his arms. Estelle had laughed at the story and laughed even harder when Nyx admitted he liked the idea. He'd later procured a bottle of wine for the two of them to share.

They were discovered by their Aunt Mor, who swore not to tell so long as they let her join in. Estelle was grateful they had, as Mor was the one who helped them keep their wits about themselves for the rest of the day.

"It looks like wings to me," Lysander remarked. He hopped off his seat and paced around the studio.

Estelle yielded to the shadows' demands at last and grabbed the tube of gold paint. She dabbed it onto her fingers and began to swirl it between the ivory feathers. "Are Mom and Dad home? The house seems quiet."

"Dad is with Uncle Rhys and Uncle Cassian, and Mom went to see Aunt Jorah in Windhaven," Lysander replied. "I was supposed to tell you but I forgot."

"You always forget to tell me things," Estelle grumbled.

"Nyx has a girlfriend. Did I forget to tell you that?"

"He does not. He would've told me himself."

"Okay, he doesn't have a girlfriend, but there's a girl he likes," Lysander conceded.

"I don't believe you."

"Then I won't tell you who it is."

Estelle smiled to herself, making a mental note to pester Nyx about the matter when she next saw him. She glanced up as Lysander paused beside a painting. It was facing the wall.

"Mom doesn't want us to touch those paintings," Estelle warned when Lysander reached for it.

"Haven't you ever wondered why?" Lysander asked.

"Of course, but unlike you, I'm aware that it might not be something I want to see. If Mom says to avoid something, there's usually a good reason why."

"Come on, Essie. You know you want to look."

Estelle bit her lip, then hopped off her seat. "Fine, but I can't touch the painting." She held up her paint covered hands. "If we get in trouble, I'm telling Mom that you were the one who turned it around."

Lysander grinned and twisted the painting. Instantly, his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. "What?" Estelle pushed him aside, then clapped a hand over her mouth, briefly forgetting about the paint. "Mother above, turn it around!"

Lysander obeyed for once. They both backed away from the painting, exchanging horrified glances. "That was Dad," Lysander whispered.

"I told you not to touch it!"

"You told me to turn it around!"

"I didn't know that's what we were going to see!" The shadows tittered in her ears and Estelle batted them away. "I'm never going to be able to look Dad in the eye again."

Lysander shuddered. "We have to or they'll know what happened."

Estelle gawked at her brother. "Do you really think you can look at him the same way after what we just saw?"

Lysander hid his face in his hands. "Stop reminding me!"

"It was your idea."

"You told me to do it!"

"After you had already decided to!"

"What are you two yelling about?" Estelle froze, hearing her father's voice in the doorway. Azriel watched them, one eyebrow raised.

"Nothing," they answered in unison.

"That's very convincing."

Estelle hurried back to her painting, ignoring her father and the burning heat in her face. Lysander joined her, holding up her paint palette. Estelle was increasingly aware of Azriel's lingering gaze, even as she dabbed away at her painting.

The minutes dragged by, until Azriel began to laugh. "You looked at your mother's painting, didn't you?"

"No!" Lysander answered instantly.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't, Lys." Estelle bit her lip as Lysander met Azriel's gaze, then instantly looked away. "That's what I thought," their father chuckled. Shadows brushed across his cheeks, and Estelle couldn't help but wonder what they were saying to him.

"I suppose you've learned your lesson now," Azriel said. His boots thumped on the floor as he crossed the room. Azriel rested his hands on their shoulders and neither Estelle nor Lysander said a word.

He leaned down, a mischievous grin on his lips. "Want to know a secret?" Estelle and Lysander glanced at one another. "I told your mother to leave that one in the open where you'd see it."

"What?" Estelle gasped. "Why?"

"It was only a matter of time before you decided to go snooping for the others. I figured you'd learn your lesson if we let you appease your curiosity on your own."

"You guys are the worst!" Lysander exclaimed. He shrugged away from Azriel and ran from the studio.

"But it worked!" Azriel shouted after him. "Didn't it, Little Bat?"

"Yes," Estelle admitted.

Azriel pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Your aunts and uncles are going to love this."

"You really are the worst," Estelle groaned, letting her head fall against her chest.

Azriel laughed, ruffling her hair, before he turned and headed towards the door. "Oh, I like your painting," he added, pausing briefly. "It reminds me of Peregryn wings."

Estelle pursed her lips, eyeing the painting as her father left the room. She smiled to herself with an embarrassed laugh and resumed her work.

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