But she had to be careful. He would more than likely have some kind of monitor tracking his location. His place might end up being the best bet.

She also had to be mindful of his parole officers and when they dropped in. It would be more than a little awkward if they walked into the kitchen with groceries while she was making mincemeat out of his dick.

Dicks... She scoffed. What stupid organs. Ugly, smelly things. They just...hang there waiting to be played with like some dead animal. Like a sad ostrich burying its head in the sand. So useless.

She found herself a little apprehensive as she planned for his demise. Normally she felt untouchable before a kill. Usually she savored it. She often felt like a junkie waiting for her next fix, but in a strange turn of events she just wanted to get it over with and be done with it.

The anticipation was giving her nightmares...and making her sexual appetite insatiable. Emily seemed to reciprocate. Alison didn't realize that Emily's increased thirst in the bedroom was because she felt guilty for working with the creep who had assaulted their friend.

With each passing day the detective grew more agitated. She had a lot of mounting pressure. She was angry at herself, and at the world in general. She'd grown accustomed to their increasingly rough roleplay in the bedroom.

Both women were on edge. For Alison, her time to kill was approaching rapidly. All of the pieces were falling into place.

Except for one.

Her copycat.

She'd never been challenged by anyone before. It annoyed her that someone was trying to make her look like a fool.

Her frustration was starting to build into an anger that she couldn't control. She managed to maintain a civil attitude with her coworkers, and it was easy to love on Emily, but inside she felt a growing demon...a dragon ready to reign fire on the entire world.

The pictures had thrown her for a loop. Clearly, they didn't belong to Maya. Several had been taken after Maya's demise. But the killer had placed them in a box personal to Maya. There had to be some kind of significance to the choice.

Her creepy stalker had probably done it to rub it in her face that Maya was going to take Emily out of town with her.

What's more than that, the copycat had picked the one person who hadn't deserved to die...the one person Alison harbored guilt for, though not for the reason that her killing twin might think.

Maya wasn't perfect. She wasn't innocent. But her crimes didn't fit the criteria for the SLK. It's something that had been haunting both Emily and Alison.

What had happened that night at Lyndon's had been a freak thing. It's something that Alison had been thinking about more and more since the discovery of Maya's locker with the photos.

She had a hidden image folder on her burner phone storing them. She had categorized the photos into three separate groups.

The first set of images were clearly associated with Maya and Emily when Maya had been alive. They were pictures of their time together as a couple.

The second set was the candid pictures of Emily. Alison couldn't figure out whether Maya had taken them or if there was a third party involved. The brunette didn't seem aware of the camera in the photos.

The third subset of photos was her victims, images she'd been scouring over the weeks, trying to pick out a single clue that might lead her to answers.

She pulled up the photo that had been taken outside her house the night her family died.

Infatuation (PLL Emison AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें