Eren and Mikasa started fighting as I made it to Historia before Sasuke and stood in front of her.

"Sasuke!" I said as I held my blade up but he tossed it.

I looked shocked and looked him in his eyes. His hand made it's way around my throat and I was lifted and slammed on the ground.

Sasuke's hold was letting up, as I struggled desperately to remove his hand from around my throat. My eyes were watering from my sudden lack of oxygen as I looked into those now scarlet eyes Sasuke possessed.

"" I said as my free hand used two fingers and tapped his forehead weakly.

Sasuke froze and his eyes slowly turned back to their onyx color. His hold around my throat was released but it was too late, I was beginning to pass out.

"Sakura?" I could hear him say before it all went black.

When I woke up, I was laying in a bed back at the safe house....but how did I get here...last I remember..I was in a tent..a Circus tent.

Immediately my hand shot to my throat which was throbbing. As I sat up my left hand felt heavy as I looked down admiring the the cast on it.

"Oh yeah..Sasuke..SASUKE" I said as I was about to get out of bed but a hand stopped me.

"Lay back down." The voice of Levi said as I looked said man into his eyes.

"Where's Sasuke! Let me up and take me to him now!" I asked sternly.

"You're in no position to be barking orders or demands." He said. "Sasuke and Eren are being held by Hange right now, its for safety precautions" he said.

My eyes traveled over to Mikasa who had her head wrapped up, sitting at the edge of her bed. She looked sad.

"What happened to them? They did nothing wrong to be held!" I said.

"You have a bruise on your neck and a broken wrist because he lost control, I'm not saying its their fault but they need to be held for proper examination. If it makes you feel better he carried your unconscious body all the way back here, just like Eren did for Mikasa, all the children made it here safely and we captured a abnormal, thanks to Armin." He said.

"Can I please...just see Sasuke." I said pleading to Levi.

"Alright, but you're to not get close.." he said as he let me stand and Mikasa came and stood by me as we left our room.

We walked with Levi downstairs where Historia was being comforted by Ymir who glared at me and stood walking towards me.

She grabbed me by my shirt making me wince due to my aching body.

"Christa said that jerk almost attacked her! Is that true?!" She said.

"Ymir! Let her go!" Historia said standing.

"What are you talking about?!" I said strained.

"Listen, I like you, but if you can't control that boyfriend of yours I'll kill the both of you!" She said.

"Ymir, let her go" Mikasa's stern voice sounded and Ymir looked at her and kissed her teeth releasing me. I was so short that my feet were off the floor and when she let me go I was too weak to stand so I fell to my knees.

"Sakura! Are you okay? Here let me help you." Historia said as she tried to help.

"I'm fine" I snapped, "I can stand on my own" I said

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