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Rosalyn picked up her cell phone and did the next best thing a mom could do.

"I sensed something odd when I read your name on the caller ID." Her long-time friend, Giselle, answered on the other end.

"I'm very worried about Bennett. Call it motherly instincts, but I can sense that something is awry."

"Aurelia has mentioned something going on, but she hasn't told me what it is exactly. Even I can tell there's something brewing. The intention isn't clear yet either."

"What did she say? Aurelia is more open to you than Bennett is to me."

"You'd think so but she's managed to cut me off through any psychic connection with her advancing studies. I think I heard her mention something about a mortal girl."

"You certainly raised a clever one."

"Too clever in some cases. The name is clear, Morales? No first name, unfortunately."

"That's all right Giselle. I'll take it from there. It's more than enough. Thank you."

"Anything for my wolf girl." With a soft laugh from both of them from Giselle's nickname for her friend, Rosalyn hung up the phone.

Rosalyn didn't need to look for much since this mortal girl's parents were well-known busy workers in town. She had come across them before and had met them in passing. She knew exactly where to find them.

"Mrs. Varela is a client. She was just telling me her son goes to your school. Maybe you've heard of him... Oh, what is his name again?" Mrs. Morales had welcomed her in.


Elara locked eyes with Rosalyn. That's why she recognized the last name. This is Bennet's mother. From the particular glint in her eyes, Elara could tell that she knew that the secret Elara had come to know.

"She mentioned something that would be beneficial for you, mija. Would you explain it, Rosalyn?"

"Of course. Elara, my family likes to meditate under the full moon. I know it sounds a bit odd, but it is the most relaxing therapy we have discovered."

"It is merely a suggestion, mija," Elara knew her mother was grasping at straws to get her to relax more. Her mother would do anything for her. "It's entirely up to you if you want to go."

"I'll go." Elara knew immediately that there was another reason she was being invited to the Varela household. She wanted to find out because she knew she couldn't outright ask.

"That's wonderful, making such a quick decision. The next full moon is just around the corner."

Rosalyn handed Elara a card with her address handwritten on it. The neat penmanship was something to admire, only for a brief moment, Elara had curiosity coursing through her as she held it.

   Answers. She thought. Answers I didn't want, but I am sure I will get.

During the week at school, she contemplated approaching Bennett about the invitation. Although since the night she was attacked, she hadn't quite mustered up the courage to confront him about anything.

With her lunch tray, she headed out of the cafeteria, stealing a glance at his table before disappearing outside rather than upstairs. Elara was hesitant every time, but in the end, she never knew what she could say.

The address card might as well have burned a hole in her jacket pocket when she shoved it there when she was leaving for school. She used to think about what everyone else's thoughts were in class — the main focus of her anxiety. This week was only focused on the invitation, the address; she practically had it memorized.

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