Chapter Fifty Nine

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It hurts me to leave him... It hurts both of us... Possibly even more than I am able to explain just with the understanding that Kavya knows how much I care for India and vice versa...

But we both know that we need to discuss things... And that India feels obligated to stay with Jian and watch over him... As well as getting rest himself for their late-night jaunt this evening... One I suspect Kavya and I will fully be joining... Just for the sake of protecting both scholars from any trouble or harm that might come their way...

"I want to say that we should head to the riverbank to think... But I think it might be best that we stay in the palace for now..." Kavya's mouth speaks what is on his mind and in both of our hearts... His expression as we slowly make our way slowly back to the barracks is a barren grimace as he continues, "I do not want India truly left alone at the moment... This palace is too dark at the moment... And I do not mean it's walls..."




It is hard to voice my thoughts at the moment... But mostly due to the fact that it feels so unsafe suddenly here in the palace... Not even for just myself but for Ronin and for India... And that is with being highly aware that if anyone overheard me and reports me for what I said just now that I would be punished for treason...

If I had just bothered to be more discreet and punctual with rinsing the ink through my hair to keep it hidden... Or even just shaving it all off and wearing a hood of some kind... I feel like all of this drama could have possibly been avoided...

But instead, it just feels as if I have endangered everyone I care about here in the palace... And even those kind enough to help me...

It feels like some kind of major unkindness I've managed to shove into everyone's laps just because I thought I was being safe enough...

As if there truly is such a thing... Especially here in the palace with King Xiang still in the throne room... Letting his grief drive him more and more mad with each passing day...

It seems ridiculous to me... That all of this trouble has started just due to the color of my hair of all things...

"I know what you mean, my Love... It just pains me to agree with you." Ronin tightens his grip on my palm as we grow closer and closer to the cot that we share and the barracks... Where we cannot be sure whether or not someone overheard us discussing my hair or saw it start to fade and let it slop... " We'll get this sorted though... Somehow... And I swear that I shall keep both you  and our wife safe. It's a promise."




It felt bizarre and painful to bid my beaus' goodbye... Especially after such a turbulent afternoon...

But I know that it's best that I at least try to rest my eyes if Jian and I are going to take such a serious adventure during the night... Both of us still expected to show up at dinner as well even though we all unspokenly decided that we are skipping our midday meal...  Four stomachs found too sour to think about sitting out in the garden and enjoying a picnic...

Four minds too distressed to even consider it...

That's the lot of us right now...

Even with my mind twisted in dark wonder as I try to understand the situation that we have so unexpectedly found ourselves in... I still do not know if I actually understand it... I do not understand why firey hair could ever be so valuable...

I know that it is not exactly common... But it is not so uncommon that even I have not seen it before.

A simple trip into the city surrounding the palace and it would be easy to spot hair the color of bright fore *at least* twice...

None of it makes sense to me...

And I am not sure that it ever will...

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