Chapter Twenty Nine

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They... They picked me flowers... And such lovely ones at that... The way that Ronin has so thoughtfully thought to adorn me with such delicate blooms and petals causing my heart to pound as I take in the sight of true joy in Kavya and Ronin's eyes as they stare at me, happy with how they've managed to amaze me so thoroughly with such a thoughtful offering... The sweet smell of the wildflowers enchanting me to no end while they continue to hold me so very closely, a hushed whisper curling around my ears as it leaves Ronin's lips, "Do you like them, Love? Your flowers?"

His voice is so calm as the two of them melt me down to my very core and leave me as a standing puddle of pure emotion... The way Kavya keeps his eyes on me as he speaks causing me to shiver as he continues, "It was Ronin's idea to go and pick them for you..."




My heart pounds as we wait for India's answer... Our bodies pressing in closer and closer the longer we stand wrapped up in each other's arms... The agony we endured when having to part finally relieved by not only seeing India once more... But holding him... And watching as he glows so very beautifully for us while so very flushed over our gifts... His sweet face so stunned that one might think we gifted him with gold or jewels instead of simple riverside flowers...

I find that it makes my heart so very warm that I can't help but press myself just the smallest bit closer to India... My chest pressing into his back while I try to resist the urge to let my nose dip down to smell the crook of his delicate neck to see if the smell of the herbal rinse he must use to make his hair hold the delightful smell that continually drifts from his raven locks also sticks to his skin in the same way.... Even though I know we are already chancing too much standing this way out in the open...

We might have been able to get away with this kind of behavior in the remote library we have somehow been sharing for so long without noticing each other... But out here in the hall where anyone might walk by we all are more than aware that standing this way is a risk... Even if it feels like an impossible one not to take with how impossibly right it feels...

With India clinging to us the way he is I know he does not want us to let go... He doesn't wish to be left to stand on his own... Not when he could be supported by his future husbands who only wish to reduce him to his current stunned, pleased, and shivering reaction to our small tokens of affection...




"Y-You two... This is so thoughtful... Thank you!" India's voice glows with such pleasure that I can barely contain my happiness... The expression worn by Ronin as he beams at me over India's shoulder so delightful that it is all too easy for me to forget that we are not alone right now and that we have not ever been with that small exception of when Ronin and I had gone to fetch the ink... And in that instance, I had not even been aware of his presence... I had been so focused on fetching the ink we had needed in order to stain my hair that I had not ever paused to even glance over my shoulder when Ronin had gone quiet...

If I had been smarter I would have turned around and we would have both run after him when he had fled... But in some ways I know that it's better to have happened this way... For if we had done things differently... We wouldn't be having this glorious moment right now... Where it feels as though it would be so very easy to lower my lips just enough to steal a kiss from India... And when it feels like it might be entirely welcomed by our sweet shared scholar...

Until Jian clears his throat so loudly that we find ourselves jumping apart as we crash back into our real lives from the intensity of the moment we had shared... And nearly too soon I spot the reason for his reminder that the three of us are in the presence of another... A small gaggle of maids chattering away as they head towards where we would all be breaking out fast this morning...

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