Chapter Thirty Nine

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It is with bright cheeks and a mind full of new information that I walk back into the library with my arm linked with Jian's... How he knew of physical desire I still have not a clue... He decided not to tell me to spare himself any more flusteredness... The appreciation I have for him for passing in any knowledge of such things at all expressed several times both before and after leaving our shared chamber...

We had almost set ourselves on the path back here without truly thinking on the fact that we mentioned wanting to freshen up... So with just moments to spare before feeling we would truly be missed we took the time to straighten the plaits of each others hair, a few flowers being pulled from mine to be set on my bed so that I might smile at them later...

It still somehow feels as though... As though we had both taken too much time... But also not enough... For somehow learning of the physical part of desire somehow making me so very conscious of myself in a way that I was not before... And it is so very painfully obvious that it's obvious because of the way Kavya and Ronin both respond to our arrival back at our table...




When India walks in he has our full attention... The way he bats his eyes at us as he and Jian glide back into their seats causing my heart to stumble over his beauty and every ounce of allure he offers so effortlessly...

Even though Ronin and I spent this temporary pause trying to calm ourselves and ease the tension that had budded on our trousers... It seems like it was all for naught... For the beauty now sat in front of us is truly overwhelming...

I know that I need to not let my heart run around and lead the rest of me... I know I need to keep myself in line and keep my head together so that India's current level of chasteness is maintained, whatever it may be... But that does not mean that the sight of him will ever not make my mouth water in all of his stunning grace and raven whisps of hair escaping his careful braid... A few of the flowers plucked from it while leaving just enough to enhance his natural splendor...

He truly is a sight to see and I do not understand how Kavya and I did not notice him sooner...




The look on India's face as he settles down hints that maybe he has come back to us just the tiniest bit wiser... And it truly makes me wonder just what he and Jian discussed while freshening themselves up just the tiniest bit... The way he keeps biting his lip when his eyes cut to us somehow causing the best kind of disturbance in my soul...

When he left I doubt that our lovely scholar really understood just how much we felt the need to hold him... But something tells me that during his small intermission from studying that he's learned more of the tension in the air... Light likely shed on the subject by our kind chaperone who is currently trying his hardest to act as though the scroll in front of him is actually interesting instead of watching us just as carefully as he really should be...

I feel guilty... Almost... For causing a need for such light to be shed...

But at the same time... I almost want to thank Jian... For India's seeming so innocent almost makes him more irresistible than he already is to us... And them leaving to "freshen up" gave us just the reprieve we needed to calm ourselves down and remind us that we need to keep cool heads about us... It gave us a moment to relax our craving for him and dispel the intense need I felt to hold him close to me and whisper into his blush tipped ear how beautiful he is...

I should have never let my head lead us down such a tempting path... The heat of my blood broadcasted itself so loudly that my Kavya had not been able to keep his desire from responding... If the 2 of us were alone I daresay we would have made use of this table right in front of us... But the scrolls atop it had very much reminded us both that we would be joined very shortly once more by two scholars whose reputations deserve to be protected so that they might thrive and prosper here in the palace... And it had been more than enough to keep us both in line...

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