Chapter Fifty Two

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Just as it feels as though my heart has dropped into my belly instead of staying homes in my chest... The two men I have found myself so worried over appear so very suddenly before my eyes... Both of them out of breath and flushed as they double over trying to regain their composure before attempting to speak...

I had been so consumed by my ponderings over where they night be that I had not even seen them come into the library much less approach us the way they have... And their appearance sparks so many questions for me... The first of which are answered by Kavya as he manages to straighten himself out first, "Apologies, India... We woke late this morning..." his words are still sparse, as though he ran to get here.... Which it seems as though he has... As though they both have...

"No... No need to apologize for resting..." the words trickle out of my mouth quietly, and with much thought... My heart beating strangely onside my chest as it slowly rises back up to it's natural position.

"No, we do need to apologize... I am sure it was not easy coping with the wonderings our absence surely caused you, sweet India." Ronin finally speaks while he recovers himself... Both him and Kavya looking at me with what I can only say is fear...

The only thing I can think of them fearing... Is nothing...

They both seem so strong and so... So unafraid of the world... From what I have seen...

It does not make any sense to me why two soldiers who find themselves commanded ultimately by the King and his demented thoughts... Show me fear in their eyes as they stand before Jian and I and all the scrolls we have pulled...

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